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Serial 2011-01-13 05:29

N900 Screen turns off (???)
Hey guys I have a problem with my N900 (probably about 9 months old)

over the last few weeks the phone goes whacko and the screen turns off while you are trying to use it. you can fix this by sliding the "lock phone" switch.

except after 8 seconds (approx: dmesg shows when ive had to press the buttons again = 8.5seconds), you have to do it again! Have just reflashed "everything" (eMMC and the other image?), and have not restored any settings yet. The keyboard light stays on, and you can still hear the "click" of the touch screen if you press it (so I would guess the screen, is just off)

Is there a timeout in a config file somewhere, or should I just hope its covered under warranty?


anwar71839 2011-01-13 06:30

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
It seems to me like a hardware problem. Possibility of a software bug can be ruled out since you did a full reflash. If it is a hardware problem then nokia service center seems like the only choice you have. Reflash again, see if that solves the problem.

zimm 2011-01-14 07:01

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
I had a similar problem with mine , touch response and sound Nokia tune etc, but the screen wouldn't light up . I had the flex cable inside replaced and no problems since

schokopudding 2011-02-25 01:13

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
Since yesterday i got the same thing here... but I think its a software thing. My screen turns off like every 10sec ( sometimes it needs 2sec sometimes 1t or sth). But if I'm connected to AC it stays bright. It stays on, if camera is opened too. Or if I hold scroll in browser... like move it up&down, without releasing it. The Problem is, i cant reföash it cuz Im currently in asia for 4 weeks for working and holiday. poor me :(

maybe anyone got a clue, what could be done about this?

9000 2011-02-25 01:26

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
Is the phone yours? Screen should timeout while charging unless you explicitly change the setting in Setting->Display. You would like to check again, to see if the timeout has been set to 10 secs.

schokopudding 2011-02-26 02:36

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
sorry, my mistake. phone stays bright when on AC and when Im using it. It surely turns off, if Im not working on it. But without charging it used to go off after some sec (no matter what time i configured in settings/ if i set it to 2min, it would turn off after 2 sec, even when I was typing or sth). Idk why, but after one day of buggy behavior, my phone now seem to work fine again. Funny thing... pff

VGs 2011-12-26 16:56

Re: N900 Screen turns off (???)
Any Solution? Only reflashing will fix this problem?
(i dont wanna reflash my system...)

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