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cards531 2011-01-15 03:44

SMS Signatures
I there a app for adding an signature to SMS, any help greatly appeciated

theonelaw 2011-01-15 04:09

Re: SMS Signatures
This does sound intriguing - maybe even put the sig up front instead of in the tail.

see the brief discussion at > Talk > OS / Platform > Maemo 5 / Fremantle > Signature for SMS

Creamy Goodness 2011-01-15 04:57

Re: SMS Signatures
but sms is a really short length, you want to make it effectively shorter? nobody wants 15% of every message you send to have the same quote on the end either.

theonelaw 2011-01-15 05:32

Re: SMS Signatures
Actually could be useful for some industrial scenarios.

We use sms for realtime reporting and having the ability to 'tag' the
sms with some form of info (like: GPSon GPS-A or voltage=low or dbi_off)
would be quite useful when you have a few thousand sms texts to sort through.

Which suggests conky maybe...

Creamy Goodness 2011-01-15 05:59

Re: SMS Signatures
okay... well i assume anyone using the n900 for "industrial scenarios" can afford to hire someone to write an sms-sending app to their specifications. I guess SMS can be cheaper than data packets on some plans, I can't imagine why it would be used otherwise.
Original post was requesting a static signature anyways, I would hope.

theonelaw 2011-01-15 06:21

Re: SMS Signatures

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 920664)
okay... well i assume anyone using the n900 for "industrial scenarios" can afford to hire someone to write an sms-sending app to their specifications. I guess SMS can be cheaper than data packets on some plans, I can't imagine why it would be used otherwise.
Original post was requesting a static signature anyways, I would hope.

Actually, no the industry does not work that way,
but I might write something if I can find a way (no one else will I am certain).

It is more of a question of making a way to stamp some info (static or realtime)
into app output (I wrote a timestamp hot-key app once to do this sort of thing)
The app in this case happens to be sms,
but the concept is the same if you were composing some other
type of document-graphic-whatever.

I guess that removes it from being just an SMS signature,
but still the concept stands.

cards531 2011-01-15 19:20

Re: SMS Signatures
I use it to identify myself and my company to prospective clients. Also a brief intro to my business. Even my sons $50 Nokia has this option. Guess it not a big deal deal to the tech, just a thought. Something as trivial as this should be standard do ya think!!!

gerbick 2011-01-15 23:27

Re: SMS Signatures
Yet another minor feature overlooked on the N900.

Good part, hopefully some enterprising soul will remedy this, like fMMS.

theonelaw 2011-01-16 10:25

Re: SMS Signatures

Originally Posted by cards531 (Post 921028)
I use it to identify myself and my company to prospective clients. Also a brief intro to my business. Even my sons $50 Nokia has this option. Guess it not a big deal deal to the tech, just a thought. Something as trivial as this should be standard do ya think!!!

In the interim I found this piece of code which you could use,
I would rename it to just to have a built-in reminder
not to overdo it.
  1. Put in /usr/local/sbin
  2. chmod to 755
  3. in xterm:
/usr/local/sbin/ 08*nu*me*ric** "message"

Tip of the hat goes to CepiPerez and the folks upstream.

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