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rya_brody 2011-01-19 17:15

Password for SMS
Hay :)

I am searching for a application that works on the N900.

I would like to give my "sms-application" a password. That means when i want to open the "sms-application" there must come a password-query.

I tried out the application who is named "Password Safe" but this application makes applications invisible. :(

Thx in advanced for your feedback :)

leetut 2011-01-19 19:27

Re: Password for SMS
There's 'app locker' not sure how that app works though

Radicalz38 2011-01-19 19:53

Re: Password for SMS
app locker locks the app. By renaming the .desktop file so no password for that! :p Say how about adding your application to the sudoers file and set it as
user ALL = (ALL) /path/to/your/app/binary

then do sudo {appname} on your .desktop file?

rya_brody 2011-01-20 16:34

Re: Password for SMS
Thx for your Replays to my first Post :).

I checked out the "appLocker". This application makes the choosed application disappear from the Menu list. :(

I dont understand why i should add my application to the sudores file. Am I not with Sudo/Administrator logged in when i am starting up my N900? Or could you explain again your advice?

Thx. :)

NIN101 2011-01-20 17:27

Re: Password for SMS
If you simply protect the application with a password, it is useless, since a more or less experienced user or someone who uses google can still access the SMS databases. Of course, this would be enough to protect your messages from a friend(yeah, really good friend :rolleyes:) who asks to play a little bit with your phone.

Of course, there things like access permissions on the file system level, but I don't know how to make this user friendly with reasonable expenditure, because rtcom-messaging-ui(The sms interface) runs as the user "user".

You may be also interested in the lock code. After some time, when not used, the phone locks itself so you have to enter a PIN to unlock the screen again, otherwise, you can't use it. This would also more or less protect your messages.

rya_brody 2011-01-26 16:33

Re: Password for SMS
But i would like to simply protect the application with a password. It dosen't matter when a less experienced user or someone who uses google can still access the SMS databases.
But i think there is no way to do that?

Moody 2011-02-10 15:54

Re: Password for SMS
i am bumping this thread as i am looking for the same sort of application.

I want to be in controll of who acceses my conversations.

Not an application to hide info from superior and plotting hackers who want to access my plans for world domination:-).

Just a simple app that puts a password on conversations so i know that no one but me can access them.

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