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Lord Raiden 2011-01-19 22:04

Wi-Fi Only Samsung Galaxy Tab Release Date: Q1 2011

Anyone else heard about this yet? I just got the news today. It's still only Android 2.2, which is a complete bummer, but it may still be a good one to buy. I however will be holding out for the Android 3.0 devices. Those are going to totally rock.

atilla 2011-01-19 22:18

Re: Wi-Fi Only Samsung Galaxy Tab Release Date: Q1 2011
therer are many nice new things coming from samsung.
the galaxy s2 and the galaxy tab 2 which should be announced at the mwc soon.

anwar71839 2011-01-19 22:21

Re: Wi-Fi Only Samsung Galaxy Tab Release Date: Q1 2011

Originally Posted by Lord Raiden (Post 924200)

Anyone else heard about this yet? I just got the news today. It's still only Android 2.2, which is a complete bummer, but it may still be a good one to buy. I however will be holding out for the Android 3.0 devices. Those are going to totally rock.

Moto zoom and lg's slate is an option. Playbook is not android but a nice option.
But they are probably going to cost from 800 - 1500$.
if Ipad 2 comes out, it will probably have that 500$ pricetag which is amazing.

leetut 2011-01-20 01:16

Re: Wi-Fi Only Samsung Galaxy Tab Release Date: Q1 2011
My galaxy tab is awesome, froyo is running sweet, and 3.0 is apparently coming to it, i even rate it as better than my wifes ipad

Lord Raiden 2011-01-20 02:14

Re: Wi-Fi Only Samsung Galaxy Tab Release Date: Q1 2011
Wait, the tab 1 is getting 3.0!? I thought the Tab 1 could only run 2.2, and we'd have to wait until the tab 2 before we could enjoy 3.0!? If they're going to backport 3.0 to the original galaxy tab, I may buy one anyways. Although, knowing that the tab 2 is coming out (and given how most OEM's start marginalizing older devices when the next gen stuff hits the shelves) I may still wait until later this year to grab me one.

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