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PradaBrada 2011-02-01 00:20

Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Its over Nokia, you either give the way or you gonna die

wmarone 2011-02-01 00:37

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
Why don't you go away and stay away?

PradaBrada 2011-02-01 00:43

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
Happy new year and best wishes to you too! :)

gerbick 2011-02-01 00:43

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Before folks start to go all up in arms... the drop from last year to this year is significant in terms of share, but not in terms of sales.

wmarone 2011-02-01 00:45

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
It may be, but that's not why he's here.

PradaBrada 2011-02-01 00:54

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010
Face it, Google is mopping the floor with Nokia

MeeGo is a stillborn

uvatbc 2011-02-01 01:05

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by PradaBrada (Post 932985)

Did you see the 44% number out there? Guess who it belongs to?
We welcome the competition. It was lonely up here for so long.

gerbick 2011-02-01 01:10

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 933015)
Did you see the 44% number out there? Guess who it belongs to?
We welcome the competition. It was lonely up here for so long.

That was last year. That double digit drop in share is not exactly a good thing.

PradaBrada 2011-02-01 01:15

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by uvatbc (Post 933015)
Did you see the 44% number out there? Guess who it belongs to?
We welcome the competition. It was lonely up here for so long.

Did you see that 615.1%? :)

kryptoniankid17 2011-02-01 01:20

Re: Android overtakes Symbian as world's best-selling smartphone platform in Q4 2010

Originally Posted by PradaBrada (Post 933010)
Face it, Google is mopping the floor with Nokia

MeeGo is a stillborn

please man google doesbt sell handsets. Samsung, htc, motorolla sell handsets. LETs look at all those vendors against nokia. ITLL give u a more accurate pixture of what it really is.

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