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azkay 2011-02-03 11:10

USB Networking problems.
After a few days of failing, I finally got usb networking on arch linux using networkmanager.

Everything was working fine, then today I restarted my phone and since it, it wont connect anymore to networkmanager.

I checked the daemon.log and there were some errors about it not being able to get an IP for usb0, if I set an IP manually then I can connect to usb0.

Whilst connected to usb0 that way, I cant use the internet, cant ping googles name or ip, on neither the phone nor the laptop, if I turn off usb0 or unplug the cable, the internet works fine on both.

Any ideas?

Just to clarify;
I connect my laptop to my wifi router and over usb0.
Before I restarted my phone, I could use both at the same time (ssh @usb0, internet @wifi), now if I use usb0 at all, I cannot get an internet connection from either the phone or the laptop (over wifi).

So I deleted every change I made through the networking wiki, then redid them, removed networkmanager, deleted all saved settings, redid the wiki, reinstalled networkmanager and everythings working again.

I after removing the lines one by one and reinputing them, I still dont see why it stopped working.

azkay 2011-02-04 10:32

Re: USB Networking problems.
And its not working again, nothing touched.
So I reflashed my phone, only install rootsh, openssh, nano.

Redid the guide, still not working.
So, its the laptops side?

Problem solved, again.
Thanks pyscho.

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