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Ken-Young 2011-02-05 22:11

CNTRL+SHIFT+P No longer takes a screenshot on my N900
I guess the title of this thread says it all - I can no longer take a screenshot on my N900 by typing the (rather awkward) key combination CNTRL+SHIFT+P . Not that it's apt to matter, but I'm running 1.3 with the Community SSU. Has anyone else seen this problem occur? Does anyone know how to get CNTRL+SHIFT+P to work again? Is there another way to take a screenshot?

Thanks for any info!

futtawuh 2011-02-05 22:15

Re: CNTRL+SHIFT+P No longer takes a screenshot on my N900
You could try download "load-applet" from Appman. You then get a screenshot button on your status bar thingy.

Kind regards,

Rob1n 2011-02-05 22:17

Re: CNTRL+SHIFT+P No longer takes a screenshot on my N900
Did you read the Community SSU documentation? In particular, the section on QA & bugs which would point you straight to this bug which details the issue and the fix.

Ken-Young 2011-02-05 22:24

Re: CNTRL+SHIFT+P No longer takes a screenshot on my N900
Thanks, Rob1n. I looked in the Community SSU TMO discussion page, but not in the Community SSU documentation. Thank you for the very quick solution. Sorry I started a superfluous thread.

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