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railroadmaster 2011-02-08 20:07

Sprint Kyocera Echo;txt
Introducing the World's first dualscreen phone. I think we might have the first phone since the Lg Prada, Nokia n95, Original iPhone, and HTC Touch that is actually innovative and not just a device with upgraded specs. The importance of this device is that it offers an experience like no other, but hey people are complaining about because it is made Sprint and Kyocera rather than the device being made by Apple, HTC, or Motorola and being released on Verizon or AT&T.

cfh11 2011-02-08 21:48

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo
Like the toshiba folio, it doesnt look like the software makes very good use of the dual screens

dmberta 2011-02-08 22:08

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo
Looking at the demo and reading the specs it strikes me as mediocre other than the dual screens. I second the notion that the software doesn't make exceptional use of both screens, maybe it will improve, maybe it will get enough traction to create a market for dual screen Android. Too early to tell.

cfh11 2011-02-08 22:14

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo
This concept would be really cool with a bezel-less display. I have always thought the next great innovation would be a pocketable device with a 3.5-5" screen that folds out into a screen twice that size like a tablet.

But yeah, they need to step up the use cases for this like extended desktops, multitasking, Nintendo DS-like app functionality etc.

railroadmaster 2011-02-08 23:44

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo

Originally Posted by dmberta (Post 939430)
Looking at the demo and reading the specs it strikes me as mediocre other than the dual screens. I second the notion that the software doesn't make exceptional use of both screens, maybe it will improve, maybe it will get enough traction to create a market for dual screen Android. Too early to tell.

The specs aren't important the new user interface for smartphones is.

railroadmaster 2011-02-08 23:45

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 939417)
Like the toshiba folio, it doesnt look like the software makes very good use of the dual screens

You mean the Toshiba Libretto.

railroadmaster 2011-02-08 23:47

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo
Here is the promo video from Sprint

railroadmaster 2011-02-09 00:38

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo
Sprint does say there will be a special SDK for this

frostbyte 2011-02-09 00:52

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 939337)
I think we might have the first phone since the Lg Prada, Nokia n95, Original iPhone, and HTC Touch that is actually innovative and not just a device with upgraded specs.

I agree on the form factor, very cool. But if the OS doesn't deliver, and deliver soon, the Echo will be soon forgotten as a "two-screen-wonder". Hey, I remember some time ago Nokia released one of these "innovative" devices and at first everybody was like "hey this is f**king cool" but then later on the OS fell kinda off the radar and now everybody's like "hey Nokia better man up cuz their last one was a POS..."

juust kiidddiiing my peeps, I love my N900!

railroadmaster 2011-02-09 01:29

Re: Sprint Kyocera Echo

Originally Posted by frostbyte (Post 939544)
I agree on the form factor, very cool. But if the OS doesn't deliver, and deliver soon, the Echo will be soon forgotten as a "two-screen-wonder". Hey, I remember some time ago Nokia released one of these "innovative" devices and at first everybody was like "hey this is f**king cool" but then later on the OS fell kinda off the radar and now everybody's like "hey Nokia better man up cuz their last one was a POS..."

juust kiidddiiing my peeps, I love my N900!

Yah will have to see if their are any apps that take advantage of the second screen.

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