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edgedemon 2011-02-11 12:28

After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
OK, I know alot of you were, like me, waiting for the Meego N9.
After the bad news today, what will you buy as your next phone?
I feel at a bit of a loss now, as I was looking forward to Meego but feel that there isn't really any point now..

maxximuscool 2011-02-11 12:32

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
No option say "Anything else but not Nokia device"?

TA-t3 2011-02-11 12:37

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
When my N900 eventually fails then I will drop back to a non-smartphone mobile phone. I have several options that I like.

For pocketable open mobile device I will use something else, e.g. like the N800. Or Pandora. Or something else. There are gadgets out there which will let me run Debian or some such on a device like that.

A closed-OS smartphone is something of absolutely no interest to me, particularly the utter rubbish called WP7.

SubCore 2011-02-11 12:38

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
i hope some new, as of yet unknown company will fill the gap and release a nice and capable meego tablet or phone.
nokia is dead to me now.
(seriously, how can you choose .NET/xna over Qt??)

GameboyRMH 2011-02-11 12:40

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Something I can hack MeeGo onto I guess. Or failing that, some kind of handheld PC with a GSM modem on it.

delmar 2011-02-11 12:41

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Actually I'll hold the N900 (thanking for the support given here and not from Nokia).

Should we go to the Office of the human rigthts because this announcement is an attack against our right of freedom (open-source)?

edgedemon 2011-02-11 12:43

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
I know how you feel, gutted isn't the word
Im keeping my n900, but Im going to start looking into Android devices now and see ones with h/w keyboards catch my eye..
Im not against WP7 as such, but it isn't ready yet, not by a long way...

cibyr 2011-02-11 12:44

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Thinking pretty hard about the Pre 3, but Palm never bothered to sell the Pre here in Australia. I'll probably end up on Android; the Nexus S is a great phone. I'll miss my hardware keyboard, and I'll miss the ability to treat my phone as a computer even more.

Crashdamage 2011-02-11 12:48

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?
Now that Elop & Co. has killed MeeGo (as far as Nokia is concerned at least) I may give WebOS another serious look. Seems I'm left with 3 possible choices once I have to retire my N900:

1. WebOS.
The Good: Will be the closest thing to Maemo/MeeGo/real Linux actually available on a phone. Good OS with a supportive community. Nice UI I can't help but like. Hackable.
The Bad: Not open. Only offered on one company's hardware, which was one of the original reservations I had when switching to Maemo.

2. Android.
The Good: Lotsa apps and hardware to choose from. UI still kinda sucks, but better than by far now than it was on my G1. Hackable.
The Bad: UI still kinda sucks. Not truly open. Not really Linux. Been there, done that, don't miss it a bit. But probably worst of all is the Big Brother aka Google factor.

3. MeeGo.
The Good: Real, open Linux distro. Most capable and adaptable of any mobile OS. Base UI looks ok and a Maemo-style UI would rock. Slim possibility of availability on a variety of hardware.
The Bad: Nothing actually on the market. Very iffy future. Gotta wait and see and hope my N900 doesn't break before a suitable MeeGo device is available from someone, if ever. Doesn't look promising now that will happen.

Tough situation...

Edit: Just saw a video of the Pre3 w/WebOS.
Strike 1: Friggin' veritcal slider with teeny-tiny keyboard like the original Pre. I hate those - unusable.
Strike 2: Apparently runs on AT&T. I need T-Mobile compatibility.
Strike 3: I'd be tied to one hardware manufacturer and OS developer again.

You're outta here!

But now what? Android has the hardware choices and apps I need, but can I hold my nose long enough? My wife's G2 is looking better...

Frappacino 2011-02-11 12:53

Re: After Nokia/WP7, what will you buy next?

Originally Posted by delmar (Post 942166)
Should we go to the Office of the human rigthts because this announcement is an attack against our right of freedom (open-source)?

Can I nominate this post for the TMO Comedy post of the year? Please ?

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