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gazza_d 2011-02-11 17:28

Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
This is an open question to the council and community at large.

Petitions/ etc are not going to help turn this particular ship around now, and it is patently obvious that Nokia has now effectively dropped the Maemo/Meego ball for good.

Official support etc for Maemo was pretty much dead - Can the council and/or knowledgable/connected community members approach Nokia for release of as much Maemo/Meego files, source, documentation as is legal and possible, especially for the N900.

This would be to enable the future development and support of OS and applications on the N900.

s4br0s0 2011-02-11 17:31

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
I support this, if they don't gonna do it, al least let this community do it.

I know is not easy and maybe won't happen, but hope is last we have to lose.


blue_led 2011-02-11 18:03

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
and who will approve this ? elop ?

geneven 2011-02-11 18:11

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego
It would be nice to hear a general statement from the Council on what is happening and how they interpret it. Whatever happened to that Texrat fellow?

sbock 2011-02-11 18:20

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 942900)
It would be nice to hear a general statement from the Council on what is happening and how they interpret it. Whatever happened to that Texrat fellow?


I also would die for a (maybe hard but honest) statement from a Nokia employee. AFAIK Quim is the only one around here?
I'm already grown up and not totally stupid so I can live with the cold hard truth. But please: No more PR ******** like on the Nokia Q&A page....

Jaffa 2011-02-12 19:50

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by sbock (Post 942913)
I also would die for a (maybe hard but honest) statement from a Nokia employee. AFAIK Quim is the only one around here?

Not the only one. But anyway:

Jaffa 2011-02-12 19:59

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 942833)
Can the council and/or knowledgable/connected community members approach Nokia for release of as much Maemo/Meego files, source, documentation as is legal and possible, especially for the N900.

Nokia were already giving us as much as they could justify from a cost-benefit analysis; I'm sure, corporately, the view of the benefits will be lower.

However, it won't do any harm to ask again - although let's perhaps let our friends in MeeGo DevicesComputers catch their breath and work out if they've still got a job. Or want one.


Originally Posted by geneven (Post 942900)
It would be nice to hear a general statement from the Council on what is happening and how they interpret it.

Adapted from a post to maemo-developers as I've not a lot of time right now; but this isn't the official position of the Maemo Community Council; although I'm not sure why the Council would have an "official" position, nor what value it what hold. We're supposed to facilitate, we were elected on how we view MeeGo, not how we'd view Nokia almost completely exiting the market :-/

I hadn't realised at the time that the N900 might be a "Concorde moment". After the shock of the MeeGo announcement it was clear that it represented Nokia's new direction: an open, Linux-based, strategic vision, with a commitment to cross-platform and developer-friendly tooling. A range of devices from Nokia and other manufact urers. The Harmattan device would be the first: a flashier UI, smaller, faster, longer-lived battery-toting version of the N900. That's all I want: a smaller, lighter, faster version of the N900 running an evolution of Maemo 5 (primarily with some bugs fixed and more apps) which I could rely on all day.

Nokia are now not going to deliver that entirely. It's possible the MeeGo device released "this year" might be interesting in the same way that the 770 was. But unlike the promise of the 770, I suspect it'll be stillborn.

But there is a benefit to this that I can see. With no clear successor for the N900, some people will keep theirs for a bit longer, others - who may have been waiting for the Harmattan device - may now buy one. This means the Community SSU can have more users, more developers and more polish.

Already we've seen patches which fix hildon-desktop's CPU eating bug; make Modest work better offline; make Modest more conformant to standards; an improved TV-out control panel plugin; an improved notification LED control panel plugin and so on. Many of these also widen the system's support of portrait usage.

We also already have improved development tools with the Qt SDK. Although there may not be a compelling new device, we have a reinvigorated platform. Maybe that's enough.


Whatever happened to that Texrat fellow?
What about him? Read his blog or follow him on Twitter.

andy80 2011-02-12 19:59

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 942900)
It would be nice to hear a general statement from the Council on what is happening and how they interpret it. Whatever happened to that Texrat fellow?

We (the Council) are talking about this internally and we assure you that we're taking care of the situation. We just don't want to say/do anything until we have all the information we need.

Thanks for your patience.

gazza_d 2011-02-12 20:18

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 944324)
Nokia were already giving us as much as they could justify from a cost-benefit analysis; I'm sure, corporately, the view of the benefits will be lower.

However, it won't do any harm to ask again - although let's perhaps let our friends in MeeGo DevicesComputers catch their breath and work out if they've still got a job. Or want one.

Would be appreciated. Especially since the game seems to have changed somewhat. there may be stuff which was in the pipeline which might not now see the light of day - If any of that is useful, then it good to try and get it into the community. As the old saying up here goes "Shy Bairns get nowt!"


Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 944324)
I hadn't realised at the time that the N900 might be a "Concorde moment". After the shock of the MeeGo announcement it was clear that it represented Nokia's new direction: an open, Linux-based, strategic vision, with a commitment to cross-platform and developer-friendly tooling. A range of devices from Nokia and other manufact urers. The Harmattan device would be the first: a flashier UI, smaller, faster, longer-lived battery-toting version of the N900. That's all I want: a smaller, lighter, faster version of the N900 running an evolution of Maemo 5 (primarily with some bugs fixed and more apps) which I could rely on all day..

All I want is a N900 with an evolution of Maemo 5, either ongoing patchs, or an more comprehensive refresh. The N900 is still an unparalleled set of features - I had not thought to describe it as a "Concorde moment", but at this time that is exactly what it it, and we may never see it's like again.


Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 944324)
Nokia are now not going to deliver that entirely. It's possible the MeeGo device released "this year" might be interesting in the same way that the 770 was. But unlike the promise of the 770, I suspect it'll be stillborn.

But there is a benefit to this that I can see. With no clear successor for the N900, some people will keep theirs for a bit longer, others - who may have been waiting for the Harmattan device - may now buy one. This means the Community SSU can have more users, more developers and more polish.

Already we've seen patches which fix hildon-desktop's CPU eating bug; make Modest work better offline; make Modest more conformant to standards; an improved TV-out control panel plugin; an improved notification LED control panel plugin and so on. Many of these also widen the system's support of portrait usage.

We also already have improved development tools with the Qt SDK. Although there may not be a compelling new device, we have a reinvigorated platform. Maybe that's enough.

All of this work is very much appreciated, and I too hope the support will carry on for a good while yet. Certainly with no clear "heir to the throne" in sight, then the good momentum will continue.

abill_uk 2011-02-12 20:26

Re: Question for the community/council - Maemo/Meego

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 942900)
It would be nice to hear a general statement from the Council on what is happening and how they interpret it. Whatever happened to that Texrat fellow?

What do you want a miracle??? WHAT COUNCIL ? does it really exsist or has it dissapeared into the shadows along with Nokia.

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