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Lullen 2011-02-12 10:01

Will other handset maker go meego?
I have been watching most of the threads about meego recently and really no of them have some real discussion. Every thread and every post in those seems to be somewhat like "Oh no nokia kills meego, meego is dead! Kill Elop!". As I agree that is really sad but whats done is done. So I want to make a thread where nokia or elop does not get bashed at!

The question of this thread is as following: Will anyone of the other handset makers go meego in the near future? If so wich one would you put your guess on and why? If no one, why?

Dave999 2011-02-12 10:04

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
Intel will.

No one else will because no one needs to do that.

EDIT : not Intel - Aava

ysss 2011-02-12 10:10

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
Dell? Because they're a close Intel partner and they've been linux friendly in the past.

LG? Because they don't have Bada, heh.

Sony? if they're interested to extend the portable PSP format to new ecosystem.

tkatchev 2011-02-12 10:15

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
Intel definitely will. They need a phone with an Intel cpu if they want to compete in the years to come.

MeeGo kills three birds with one stone for Intel:
a) gives them a mobile OS that is tied to a specific Intel chipset;
b) allows binary compatibility between netbook, tablet and phone apps (a killer feature for Intel if they're serious about breaking into the mobile business)
c) open source gives them a path for painless future upgrades to the OS and hardware, without losing their chipset lock-in advantages.

ysss 2011-02-12 10:22

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
(Of course the obvious answer is Intel)...

And any of their desktop/notebook partners without inhouse platform (ie: hp WebOS) are safe guess as well... (ASUS, Lenovo, etc).

If there is any chance that the mobile landscape may be commoditized and modularized, in similar ways as desktop PC market (plenty of cloney OEM devices like netbooks, etc); then Intel + MeeGo would be it.

They're coming in last to the pocketables party, and they know that they need to be in this market one way or another. Somehow.

ericsson 2011-02-12 10:31

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
Nokia will have one later this year. Nokia will deliver more as well, but they will all be like the N900, half way engineering samples, and so will the OS be. They clearly said so (if one is to believe them)

lma 2011-02-12 10:48

Re: Will other handset make go meego?

Originally Posted by Lullen (Post 943797)
The question of this thread is as following: Will anyone of the other handset makers go meego in the near future? If so wich one would you put your guess on and why?

Huawei? With MeeGo being a Linux Foundation project, a good hint would be looking at recently-joined members.

mikec 2011-02-12 10:57

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
I am forecasting that HTC will make a Meego handset. Why? because now that Nokia are getting out, it makes it more viable for them. They wanted to Buy Palm but failed. Samsung has BADA, Now with Nokia and M$ partnership HTC position in Widows mobile in corporate land is under threat. They only have Android as an option now, so need a backup plan.

Aranel 2011-02-12 11:10

Re: Will other handset make go meego?
I don't know which company is going make MeeGo handsets but my guess is they're most likely use the Aava platform. They can buy the mobo from Aava and get a Moorestown CPU with 854x480 Capacitive screen and smartphone features (gps,vibra,wlan,bt..) are also included. I can't guess which brand we will see on our MeeGo handsets but I think it's going to use Aava core.

droitwichgas 2011-02-12 11:13

Re: Will other handset make go meego?

Originally Posted by mikec (Post 943837)
I am forecasting that HTC will make a Meego handset. Why? because now that Nokia are getting out, it makes it more viable for them. They wanted to Buy Palm but failed. Samsung has BADA, Now with Nokia and M$ partnership HTC position in Widows mobile in corporate land is under threat. They only have Android as an option now, so need a backup plan.

If that does happen it could be a better device than whatever Nokia could have produced? However will Nokia/MS simply walk away from meego and let it fall into someone like HTC's hands? Better just for them to keep hold of it and kill it with a, sadly, slow death?

Lets hope Intel have some get out clause in the meego contracts??

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