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johnny_knoe 2011-02-12 16:10

Maemo 6 in development???
What does this mean?

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
Short live Maemo6 - again :) Bye bye MeeGo

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
Yes, Elop screw Intel and said that Nokia arent going to produce MeeGo devices :) If Intel not going to pay for that :) Again Maemo6 in dev

SlipKoRnSaad SlipKoRnSaad
@eldarmurtazin you mean maemo6 may be coming to the N900 "again" and other devices as it was originally planned?

eldarmurtazin Eldar Murtazin
@SlipKoRnSaad one device only - last one


So no MeeGo device from Nokia, but a harmattan one? Confusing days for me right now :confused:

leetnoob 2011-02-12 16:16

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
wtf ?! phoenix ?

MohammadAG 2011-02-12 16:17

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
Nokia's MeeGo (UI adapted to Nokia devices) has always been called Harmattan.

Basically, this is similar to Android, you have vanilla android, and that customised for example, for HTC devices (Sense UI).
Harmattan would be that Sense UI and MeeGo would be vanilla Android.

Dave999 2011-02-12 16:21

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
and nokia would be google.

They are almost the same now days.

gerbick 2011-02-12 16:24

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
This happens, I'm eating my socks.

xRobby 2011-02-12 16:25

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
So there's going to be a new Maemo?

efekt 2011-02-12 16:28

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
Why does sane people keep tracking Eldar's sh*t? Do yourself a favor - if you want to read news and PR about Samsung, read Eldar's stuff. If you don't steer clear of Eldar...

benny1967 2011-02-12 16:42

Re: Maemo 6 in development???
Didn't eldar also say this week that nokia will not change their OS-strategy?

OTOH, this time i'm about to believe him. what we've heard from Flop translates to: "we will use the work we put into MeeGo to bring one device to the market, but that'll be it."

He also called it a "meego-related" product.

Nokia used to work on what they called meego/harmattan, harmattan being the codename for maemo 6. they said they'd drop the name maemo in favor of meego to support the meego-brand as soon as possible.

now that Flop made it clear he's not interested in meego as a future smartphone OS in the nokia lineup - why not re-use the good old maemo name and call it maemo 6? established brand, no problems with other meego stakeholders.... and if it's the last of its kind, it's easier to stop after a "version 6" than after a "almost version 1, it's not really meego yet, but next time it'll be".

Crashdamage 2011-02-12 17:12

Re: Maemo 6 in development??? this what's it's all come down to? Pinning our hopes on a friggin' tweet from Eldar?

Movin' on...nothing in this thread to see...

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