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rm42 2011-02-16 21:31

Winners and losers

rm42 2011-02-16 21:53

Re: Winners and loosers


"Microsoft and Nokia are companies we both work with and respect, so for now we will give them the benefit of the doubt," he said. "But if their interest in the medium term is to lock up the clients in a closed system, well then we would have to go look elsewhere for an open alternative."

danramos 2011-02-16 22:46

Re: Winners and loosers
Android it is, then.

Radu 2011-02-17 00:22

Re: Winners and loosers
Or WebOS for those who are not happy with Android.

lma 2011-02-17 00:33

Re: Winners and losers

Originally Posted by rm42 (Post 948397)

Also It doesn't sound promising if the operators already hate it.

GeraldKo 2011-02-17 02:04

Re: Winners and losers

Originally Posted by lma (Post 948521)
Also It doesn't sound promising if the operators already hate it.

As I posted before, it's not prospectively a big hit with US telecoms, either.


“I do want a strong third OS out there,” Melone said. “It gives the carriers more flexibility and balances the interests of all the parties. But I still have doubts whether Microsoft will get the traction they are hoping for with Windows Phone 7… I don’t think Verizon needs the Nokia and Microsoft relationship,” he said. “Right now the three OS players we see for our network are Android, Apple, and RIM.
Gizmodo: Verizon CTO Doesn’t Need No Stinkin WP7

CNet: Microsoft's ecosystem is a tough sell to Verizon

(But I'd be shocked to hear Verizon base its disinterest in the NoWin product on its probable lack of openness. I really ought to move to France. :))

stickymick 2011-02-17 02:43

Re: Winners and loosers
Some pretty sober reading there. Not sure what the networks are complaining about, they're the worst for locking users into closed shops with their branding and restrictions on handset features IMO.

Still looks like the writing is on the wall though.
If things do take a drastic turn it would be a shame to see Nokia go down with those two berks at the controls.

deyons 2011-02-17 03:12

Re: Winners and loosers
One commenter said

"I beg to differ from the article. Okay – NOKIA lost the high-end market, but it was inevitable with their lack of innovation, but teaming up with Microsoft can bring to them something which they were trying to get from year – the US market. "
I'm in the US and we have WP7 on HTC's and not a Fuq is givin. Now I should buy it cause it's on a Nokia? I better be able to remove it and install Maemo5 at least.

deyons 2011-02-17 03:17

Re: Winners and loosers
Here is another good read:
Orange warns Nokia-Microsoft against closed system

rm42 2011-02-17 14:35

Re: Winners and loosers
1 Attachment(s)
The bears are after Elop:

"mobile handset giant Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has received a distressing two-star ranking."

"Having an outsider change the corporate culture of a behemoth like this is a way tall order. I root for the CEO for his honesty, but very confident I'll bank some accuracy [CAPS points] off this one."

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