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Do3ky 2011-02-17 07:14

SIP setting making me mad
hello could anyone pleaseeeee help me with this sip problem,

i have subscribed for NYMGO and i put all the setting on the sip account on the phone and it shows that it is connected and everything is fine, but when i try to call any number it gives me (unauthorized call) even with the test number for nymgo.

i need to make it works urgently
can anyone help me

Thanks in advance.

HtheB 2011-02-17 07:18

Re: SIP setting making me mad
sip settings are sooo easy.....
I don't know about your provider, but assume you are using Voibuster, your settings should be:

but sometimes, it can be a LITTLE different, like on VoipWise:

hope this will work for you

Do3ky 2011-02-17 07:24

Re: SIP setting making me mad
Thanks For your reply :)
the problem is iam already connected and i have no problem connecting to sip account but although it is connected when i try to make a sip call it always says (unauthorized call)
i think maybe there is an option blocking the sip from working!
i don't really know about the (unauthorized call) problem and it seems that no one faced it before i guess because i also searched on google and nothing came :s
what should i do?

slender 2011-02-17 07:29

Re: SIP setting making me mad
Double check every single setting on voip account and also contact NYMGO for support. It might be also that they have not activated your account some other weird stuff.

Do3ky 2011-02-17 07:37

Re: SIP setting making me mad
i have tried my friends account on nymgo which is working on his phone but it didn't work on mine.

the setting are:

advanced sip setting:
check:use for telephone numbers
transport :auto
outbound and i tried also without outbound
check:discover public address, loose routing
keep alive: auto
auto detect STUN

and when i connect it gets connected which means that the settings are working fine right?
but unauthorized call is different problem i guess

slender 2011-02-18 08:31

Re: SIP setting making me mad
In advanced setting did you put your user-name there?
Looks like link to e-series Nokia settings is non-existent so as I already said please contact Nymgo for more detailed assistance.

Also look that your phone numbers are in valid format. But then again if you are not able to even call test call then there is something wrong :|

Also on what internet connection you are trying to do this? Some providers block voip.

I just registered there and why on earth I would pay _any_ thing to just test this service. IMO not good service at all. Just to make test call I should pay them 10$, fck that :|

HtheB 2011-02-18 13:34

Re: SIP setting making me mad
Use VoipBuster :) it's one of the cheapest and the best there is :)

Do3ky 2011-02-22 12:36

Re: SIP setting making me mad
thanks guys for your helpful replies
now it is partially solved but now what's happening:
i installed the sip setting on fring for nymgo and then it works great!
so i thought i had a problem with n900 sip
so i tried different company like TPAD a without fring and it works very well
i can manage myself now by using fring but it's a bit hard to use fring when u have your own sip system in your phone which gives u much more options.
maybe NYMGO cannot be installed except on fring i guess!

anyway thanks for your help guys :)

Do3ky 2011-02-22 12:44

Re: SIP setting making me mad
one more thing please, does anyone knows how to switch off the speaker mode of fring?

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