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vector 2011-03-02 15:30

svn, segmentation fault
Hey guys, I try to run svn on my device, but here throw a segmentation fault.
I installed it with
apt-get install subversion
Here is some info after I ran with GDB
I tried to reinstall it , but nothing changed.

mrexcess 2011-03-04 03:29

Re: svn, segmentation fault
getting Segmentation faults here too.

installed via apt-get

cant even run svn help, anyone come up against this before?

ajack 2011-03-05 16:40

Re: svn, segmentation fault
I am having problems with subversion as well, can anybody help? :(

Char 2011-03-05 16:43

Re: svn, segmentation fault
try it in easy debian

qwazix 2011-03-05 16:57

Re: svn, segmentation fault
I tried it long ago and it worked fine, give me a minute to try it again...

qwazix 2011-03-05 17:07

Re: svn, segmentation fault
Still works fine! I just updated a project and resolved a tree conflict. If you have devel enabled try removing it, disabling devel and installing it again from testing (if there is one I do not remember), or just try an older version

i got 1.6.12 r955767
Live sex

vector 2011-03-10 04:59

Re: svn, segmentation fault
well, there's no subversion package available in testing source anymore...
Hope next update could solve this porblem

ajack 2011-03-10 05:40

Re: svn, segmentation fault
I encountered the same problem too, do we know who the maintainer is?

mgedmin 2011-03-12 16:43

Re: svn, segmentation fault

Originally Posted by ajack (Post 964627)
I encountered the same problem too, do we know who the maintainer is?

For the record, I've got subversion 1.6.12-3 from extras-devel installed in my N900.

$ svn --version
svn, version 1.6.12 (r955767)
compiled Jul 7 2010, 19:50:52

$ apt-cache show subversion | grep Maintainer
Maintainer: unknown <>

I don't think I've ever actually used it on my N900 before now, but I've just tried it, and I can svn co a private repository over svn+ssh, then run svn up in it. It works for me, no segfaults.

It would be useful if you could tell the world how to reproduce the problem: what svn command to run in a checkout of what (public) repository, using which protocol.

ajack 2011-03-12 17:24

Re: svn, segmentation fault

Originally Posted by mgedmin (Post 966376)
For the record, I've got subversion 1.6.12-3 from extras-devel installed in my N900.

$ svn --version
svn, version 1.6.12 (r955767)
compiled Jul 7 2010, 19:50:52

$ apt-cache show subversion | grep Maintainer
Maintainer: unknown <>

I don't think I've ever actually used it on my N900 before now, but I've just tried it, and I can svn co a private repository over svn+ssh, then run svn up in it. It works for me, no segfaults.

It would be useful if you could tell the world how to reproduce the problem: what svn command to run in a checkout of what (public) repository, using which protocol.

Is there any other way to check this? Attached is my screenshot when I typed in "svn --version". :(

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