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eVrajka 2011-03-02 15:55

[Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
I have had a dream, opera mini on the n900.
And three brave Russian guy helped me realize my dream (ŠS0d
ŽAle}{(is) ŽVoobsche).
They wrote an intermediate proxy server (on python) that can connect to the opera mini server, and minimize traffic.

Here's a quick tutorial:
1) Download the OMPD - tHE oPERA mINI Proxy (python 2.5 required)

2) Unpack archive anywhere.

3) Run server with command: python ./ompd.pyc -d (without gainroot)

4) Go on localchost:8080 Check availability, make the necessary adjustments.

5) Go to the "expensive" :) connection settings(setting>>internet connections>>connections>>"expensive" connection>> edit >>next>>next>>advanced>>proxies), GPRS in my case, and and in the Http proxy enter: port 8080

6) All your browsers will work through operamini proxy (Opera Mobile and MicroB works fine, others not tested)
and you have the cache


Everyone a good day!

OPMD-proxy official source

Google and this post screenshots (MicroB)

Tiboric 2011-03-02 16:01

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
That's really cool, won't have to worry about slow connections when out and about.

eVrajka 2011-03-02 16:03

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by Tiboric (Post 958983)
That's really cool, won't have to worry about slow connections when out and about.

That's right, buddy, that's right.

joppu 2011-03-02 16:15

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Any screenshots on actual results on a website?

debernardis 2011-03-02 16:16

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
Actually you can have the real opera mini on your n900, through the use of microemulator. Several guides detail how to on

eVrajka 2011-03-02 16:34

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini

Originally Posted by debernardis (Post 959001)
Actually you can have the real opera mini on your n900, through the use of microemulator. Several guides detail how to on

It's not linux way))

maemo55 2011-03-02 16:58

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
can explain easyer step 3 and 4 :)

i am a noob :o:o

jacktanner 2011-03-02 17:06

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
how's this proxy different from a proxy like squid?

maemo55 2011-03-02 17:24

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
i cant understand step3 and 4

any buddy explain easy for me ? :(

hawaii 2011-03-02 17:27

Re: [Tutorial]Traffic minimization with Opera-mini proxy, without opera-mini
FWIW, ALL data for your set connection will attempt to be sent through this proxy. You might want to re-think doing this.

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