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XWY-15-J-697 2011-03-02 23:26

N950 ?????????????
at 6.36 there is some strange device - if you have a look at names you can find "Nokia" as on of the contacts

can it be N950 ???

MINKIN2 2011-03-02 23:30

Re: N950 ?????????????
Hi welcome to the forum

Got another link to the video? This one has a malformed URL

Oh and I thing your question mark key is sticking ;)

XWY-15-J-697 2011-03-02 23:35

Re: N950 ?????????????

I have changed the link...

still I am very affraid to post it as it has nothing to do with confirmed reaity....... I just hope Nokia has the ability to deliver sth like this

just hopes ???

MINKIN2 2011-03-02 23:52

Re: N950 ?????????????
I believe that to be an one of the android devices that are porting PTPT to

If you zoom in you can see the Home, Menu and Back buttons

Looks like a pretty useful program though for business use though. Not too sure about sharing my personal habits though cos my mates already say that I spend too much time on the internet. It would be too scary if they could pull out actual figures. lol

godofwar424 2011-03-03 20:12

Re: N950 ?????????????
Looks like a Dell Streak!

abill_uk 2011-03-03 20:19

Re: N950 ?????????????
Yet ANOTHER 950 thread omg.

abill_uk 2011-03-03 20:20

Re: N950 ?????????????
Why dont you do a thread search before opening a new thread??? this forum is crammed with duplicate threads now.

Maettu 2011-03-03 20:21

Re: N950 ?????????????

Hootenholler 2011-03-03 20:23

Re: N950 ?????????????
Why not just edit your previous post instead of cluttering the thread with one-line whinges?

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