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sagaradate 2011-03-04 12:05

Cant make Airplanemode off?
does anyone know how to make airplanemode off?

Switch_ 2011-03-04 12:10

Re: Cant make Airplanemode off?
Mate, use the NITDroid forum or use Power Search, stop simply asking for "help help help help" because all the questions you are asking are answered in many other places!



sagaradate 2011-03-04 12:22

Re: Cant make Airplanemode off?

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 960487)
Mate, use the NITDroid forum or use Power Search, stop simply asking for "help help help help" because all the questions you are asking are answered in many other places!



this ain't the solution of my quetion.
i tried what you are sayin but it didnt work thats why post here

jedi 2011-03-04 12:24

Re: Cant make Airplanemode off?
2 second google bought this up:

Note: this is a MAEMO forum. Not Android.

Switch_ 2011-03-04 12:33

Re: Cant make Airplanemode off?

Boot into Maemo and disable any PIN code you have to unlock the device. Go to Apps in 'droid, Terminal Emulator, type the following:



I'm now going to take my face for a crap.

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