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nicholes 2011-03-04 16:14

[Maemo 5] [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
Do you want answering machine with all these features?(I do not know how many are possible)
When somebody calls, the application should answers the call with a greeting as defined by you and records the voice message left by the caller.
Auto reject and send sms!for each caller or contact or group
Settings for pickup after 5 sec.or so on....
Possibility to define a list of profiles in which the application is active
Allows selecting folders(including hidden or root)on which the records will be saved;
AutoSend Clips via MMS, HTTP* & Email
Press key to transfer their calls to other numbers, or answer by yourself
Answer with a busy tone
Accept Phonebook only
Reject from black list (you have to define the list in advance)
Accept from white list (you have to define the list in advance)
Reject all + custom action for each caller or contact or group (e.g. send SMS to your wife or girlfriend if she calls)
Reject group only
Accept group only
Send busy tone
Mute ringer
Accept (don’t handle)
SMS, mute, reject, accept, greet, divert etc.................................

Now you can vote.......

Tedri Mark 2011-03-04 16:16

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
sounds good...

nicholes 2011-03-04 18:30

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
i think A TEAM of dev needed for this!

tushyd 2011-03-04 18:38

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
That's quite a list you have there. Since you're already asking so much, let's just go ahead and ask for more!

So, devs..

We'd like:

- Girlfriend answerer (picks up and says, "how was your day?, uh huh, no she didn't"
- candy dispenser
- voice modulation
- background sound effects (so you can pretend you can't hear... "I'm sorry! I'm at the game, I can't hear you over the crowd!"

nicholes 2011-03-05 02:47

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
if i were know how to do this i had strated working on it !!!

paulkoan 2011-03-05 03:02

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
Whatever happened to the asterisk package? Get that up and running and you'd have a good starting position.

hathoda 2011-03-05 07:21

Re: [Maemo 5] [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.
one vote for "No" hhmmmmmmmmmm

who and why does not want this app????

nicholes 2011-03-05 12:07

Re: [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 960993)
Whatever happened to the asterisk package? Get that up and running and you'd have a good starting position.


sjgadsby 2011-03-05 12:50

Re: [Maemo 5] [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.

Originally Posted by hathoda (Post 961048)
one vote for "No" hhmmmmmmmmmm

who and why does not want this app????

As the original poster made the poll public, you can see who has voted for each option.

nicholes 2011-03-05 13:19

Re: [Maemo 5] [Request] poll include (please vote) A fully functioned call manager.

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 961170)
As the original poster made the poll public, you can see who has voted for each option.

how or where to see???

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