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kingoddball 2011-03-13 21:37

Install MeeGo on SD with Multiboot (NOT U-Boot)? [how to required]

I know.. Search.. Couldn't find it :(

Anyhow... Has anyone got a guide to install Meego 1.1 on an SD partition with a working kernel in Multiboot?

I'm after some help and a download link if possible?

I'm not a dunce when it comes to the N900 (:cool:) but I have had some problems (MANY actually) with MeeGo, so I dropped my support. But after playing with it slightly in a chroot, I thought I'd like some full speed and see what I can do with it..

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :D

blayden 2011-03-28 10:50

Re: Install MeeGo on SD with Multiboot (NOT U-Boot)? [how to required]
Have a look at this thread:

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