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redscorpionkiller 2011-03-18 20:26

Nokia N900 Owners from India
hello guys :) are there any nokia owners from India & how is ur device going in India ?

Do we ppl have full support from Nokia here in India ? :D :P :)

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-18 20:48

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
guys come on ;)

arora.rohan 2011-03-18 20:52

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Really? this is needed? and how would this help?
is this the place where we can talk in Hindi? make plans in our language to take over tmo..and eventually nokia?

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-18 20:55

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by arora.rohan (Post 970596)
Really? this is needed? and how would this help?
is this the place where we can talk in Hindi? make plans in our language to take over tmo..and eventually nokia?

bro am from chennai and i dont know hindi ,,, :D :P :) am sorry for that and yeah this place will really help the Indian n900 user with the pros and cons of nokia and n900 in India :D :P :)

arora.rohan 2011-03-18 21:03

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Indian N900 user.. :D ..i wont say much!
stick around...there are so many topics here..and they apply to every user across the globe.. ! :)
sorry for the way i behaved..

redscorpionkiller 2011-03-18 21:05

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India

Originally Posted by arora.rohan (Post 970608)
Indian N900 user.. :D ..i wont say much!
stick around...there are so many topics here..and they apply to every user across the globe.. ! :)
sorry for the way i behaved..

no offence bro :D :P btw have u got ur skype working ? :D :P :)

Vasikaran 2011-03-18 21:12

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Hey Guys, is this topic only for India N900 users or Indians using N900?? then I will fall on the second category :p I'm from India but in Switzerland at present...Nice to meet you both. Hey, btw I'm also from Singara Chennai :cool:

karansatija 2011-03-18 21:24

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
Hey guys...
I really dont get this idea .....why divide & create more threads...most of the time all of us face the same kind of problems & situations...lets face it we all get bugged by our n900 sometime or the other, no matter we are Indians Americans or from any other part of the world!!! We all are in this together!!

dhanurdhar 2011-03-19 13:21

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
there are quite a few N900 users in india and nokias support for n900 is limited in my opinion.. had a problem when i first bought it. gave it to nokia, they just flashed the emmc and the image and gave it back to me

any problems with ur phone not hardware related post on the blog and u will get your answer... always works for me


nicholes 2011-03-19 13:41

Re: Nokia N900 Owners from India
so here we are (hope this is going like "n900 user from philippine" thread)
i don't think there will be too many user from india, because indians are not like geeks or hacker friendly people( i am an indian too)many people like here "easy to use" phones. hmmmmmm you may be trying to prove me wrong!

how many people in india are using skype video calling as compare to us?????

and the answer is "very few or almost equivalent to none"

any devloper from india???? OH i have to go!!!!!sorry

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