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abyn900 2011-03-20 13:10

Headphones Problem.
When ever I plug in my headphones there appears a symbol on desktop showing that headphones are plugged in, but recently i have a got a issue that does not detect the headphones, symbol is not shown and headphones don't work, but when i adjust a cracky noise comes and the headphones work but the symbol is not shown. Help me out.

randomdood 2011-03-20 13:19

Re: Headphones Problem.
try different headphones...? you never know

abyn900 2011-03-20 13:47

Re: Headphones Problem.
Well i have tried its the same problem it nevr shows the symbol of headphones connected may it b any headphone. It does work when adjusted but its not good like that.

JonWW 2011-03-20 14:10

Re: Headphones Problem.
In XTerm type

lshal -m
Output should look something like this, anything else and the phone jack is broken

Plugin headphones:
platform_headphone property button.state.value = true
platform_headphone condition ButtonPressed = connection
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input property input.jack.type = {'headphone'}
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input property button.state.value = true
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input condition ButtonPressed = jack_insert

Unplug headphones:
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input property input.jack.type = {}
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input property button.state.value = false
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input condition ButtonPressed = jack_insert
platform_headphone property button.state.value = false
platform_headphone condition ButtonPressed = connection

abyn900 2011-03-21 11:48

Re: Headphones Problem.
when i put in the headphones the message comes out like this
the first and the second line are the same where as the third line turns out to be different

platform_headphone property button.state.value = true
platform_headphone condition ButtonPressed = connection
platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input property input.jack.type = {'line out','video out'}

JonWW 2011-03-21 21:16

Re: Headphones Problem.
Are you able to plug a headphone cable in that has nothing on the other end. ie. no electrical connections for your phone to judge what is on the other end of the cable. I have some Sennheiser headphones that I can disconnect the cable from, when I plug just the cable in it still displays as headphones.
Also try plugging in the tv cable you got with the phone without it being pluged in to a tv, when I do this the phone cannot tell what has been plugged in.
I am thinking your problem maybe that somethnig in the headphone socket has got bent and it then incorrectly reports back as a tv cable.

abyn900 2011-03-22 16:27

Re: Headphones Problem.
Rarely at times when i plug in the headphones it shows the symbol of headphones. Or else it never displays anything at all, basically it cant detect that the headphone is connected.
Yes you might be right the socket might have got bent because at times it does show headphones symbol.
Now how do i fix this??

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