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andy_con 2011-03-21 23:28

N900 Ovi Maps Help
just installed lastest maps and voices on my n900 from nokia ovi suite.

but the maps seem to be the same and no voice, i also cant find any options to turn voices on.

any one help

pkubaj 2011-03-21 23:36

Re: N900 Ovi Maps Help
Ovi Maps for N900 doesn't feature voice novigation (by default). If you want to enable it (which is unsupported) try

andy_con 2011-03-22 09:19

Re: N900 Ovi Maps Help
ok so the update just installs the latest maps then?

Android_808 2011-03-22 09:58

Re: N900 Ovi Maps Help
Yep. The voice files are only usable on the N900 with a modified version of Ovi Maps. The link posted above follows the progress that has been made on this. There is also an app in the repos called omvoiceserver or something like that, but AFAIK it doesn't modify Maps to use it, just provides a way of playing the files.

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