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bilal_mufc 2011-03-26 12:20

Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
I was wondering if it is possible to make a Barclays Premier League app for live football (soccer for yanks) scores, info, news, stats, teams etc... :)
you know how developers managed to make a cricket app for the world cup is it possible to make one for football. examples may include espn score centre and sky sporst score centre apps for the iphone.

if so please provide a detailed guide i dunno about all this code and stuff:D

ahagman 2011-08-14 17:06

Re: Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
Bump, i would like to see something like that too.

arora.rohan 2011-08-14 17:11

Re: Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
i am learning Qt development only for the above reason ..but i dont know when can i finish making it..have my exams till december : ( !

Maybe the developer who made Markets Today Widget...he can easily make it! his widget imo is perfect for an EPL widget.

zurrain101 2011-08-14 18:57

Re: Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
i want it too :(

trisha02 2011-08-14 19:38

Re: Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
i want it too but can any one of you make an app or any othr app so that we can chat with whatsapp friends

ahagman 2011-08-14 20:19

Re: Request Barclays PL widget/app for N900
I used to have QBW set up for this but i doesn't seem to work anymore :-(

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