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ojiprince 2011-04-04 18:20

nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
Goodday Everyone,
Good day nokia, if you are reading this, it means my n900 has malfunctioned! My magnificent n900 only worked for 3 months, and after an unexpected power surge, the phone was affected. and it just kept rebooting every 5 secs.
I bought it from the USA so it was far fetched to send it back.
i tried to flash it myself. but unknown to me, windows 7 usb issues interruped the flash process. it remained the same.

I took it to a local mobile device engineer, and it was for some reason back to life again...every thing works...but it doesent vibrate on start up...and it still displays the flashmode logo on startup, and some paragraphs of green text!
but everything works...except that the qwerty lights blink in an unstable manner when closed...the lights never go off.

so my question is this:
is it possible to change it back to factory setting again where the boot was normal again or i will always look at my pathetic boot screen and regret paying $400 for this?
or is there a way of fixing these few errors?

thank you immensely for your time.

m4r0v3r 2011-04-04 18:27

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
are you flashing the phone properly following this wiki?

ojiprince 2011-04-05 03:34

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
well i did not flash it properly thats for sure thats for sure...and this is why i took it to the engineer in the first place...he managed to bring it back to life...but its still obviously broken...cos the anomalies here and there...i have tried updating the firmware using nokia pc still shows me the flashing mode logo and a bunch of green text. however the phone works...this is why i asked the question...

geneven 2011-04-05 03:54

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?

Originally Posted by ojiprince (Post 982108)
it still shows me the flashing mode logo and a bunch of green text. however the phone works...this is why i asked the question...

The phone needs to be properly flashed. Let us know if you have any questions!

ojiprince 2011-04-05 04:00

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
please suggest to me the proper flashing for was bought in the USA. and im presently in europe. how do i even start...which firmware should i use ?...

abill_uk 2011-04-05 04:18

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?

Originally Posted by ojiprince (Post 982113)
please suggest to me the proper flashing for was bought in the USA. and im presently in europe. how do i even start...which firmware should i use ?...

What you are doing is all wrong and will never get your device back to normal !.

First you need to read the FULL explanation given on this forum how to flash your N900 and digest it untill you know what to do.

It is very simply to know by the way you are talking that you have not read up at all on flashing the device.

Now please go and read ALL of this and get some knowledge behind you and i can assure you your N900 will be as good as new, good luck and enjoy because it is fun to learn.

Any problems whatsoever that you have you can come back on this thread that you started and ask questions but not before you have read the full guide ok.

ojiprince 2011-04-05 04:55

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
Thank you very much for your suggestions,
I Just wanted to know if its possible to hard reset it again...I have downloaded the files that are needed and Since I have to flash the phone, I will switch it off for now...Thank You All :)

abill_uk 2011-04-05 05:09

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?

Originally Posted by ojiprince (Post 982129)
Thank you very much for your suggestions,
I Just wanted to know if its possible to hard reset it again...I have downloaded the files that are needed and Since I have to flash the phone, I will switch it off for now...Thank You All :)

Go to the main menu then to settings menu and touch the word "settings" at the top and you should get a drop down menu, in that you have "Restore original settings" tap on that and your device will restart putting it back to the way it was hopefully.

zlatko 2011-04-05 05:47

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
Your device looks to be in R&D mode. You just have to flash it disabling it. As stated above - read carefully flashing WiKi, it is all explained there.

ojiprince 2011-04-05 05:51

Re: nokia n900 hardware issue....Resolution?
yes you must be right...i just never knew how to take it out of r and d mode to normal works but it always displays the green text and the flashmode logo...everytime i reboot...
cos i just flashed it and nothing happened. its still the same...

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