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RogueElement 2011-04-27 13:29

Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image
Has anyone loaded this latest official 1.2 release. Its the latest version on the engineering page that actually labels itself as Meego 1.2?
With the DE version and this one has anyone put any videos online for us to see the Alpha DE version and this new 1.2 version?

Stskeeps 2011-04-27 13:43

Re: Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image
Most people should follow the DE releases instead. The hardware adaptation in MeeGo 1.2 is exactly only that, and not very interesting except for people looking to make demos or experiment with the MeeGo system.

RogueElement 2011-04-27 13:51

Re: Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image
The DE version is specifically designed for the N900 while Meego 1.2 is for all the others to play with (pads, netbooks etc). In this case then for us N900 owners the DE version is the one to stick with from now on?

abill_uk 2011-04-27 13:59

Re: Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image

Originally Posted by RogueElement (Post 996201)
Has anyone loaded this latest official 1.2 release. Its the latest version on the engineering page that actually labels itself as Meego 1.2?
With the DE version and this one has anyone put any videos online for us to see the Alpha DE version and this new 1.2 version?

This is not a version release to be used by non developers as it is only for and purely developers use but this is getting very exciting by any standards so great work by the developers.

RogueElement 2011-04-27 14:09

Re: Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image
Which is making more sense now by the day, thankyou. As Meego 1.2 is mainly a developer build and the DE release more suitable to enthusiastic users like the rest of us here then the DE build it is for most.
Love to see a video of it running mind, but going to take the leap today on my MMC card.

onebutton 2011-08-05 17:29

Re: Meego 1.2 initial pre-release image
I would like to second the idea about videos, it seems like a good way for users to decipher whether or not they would be comfortable with the DE versions, etc before just jumping in and being dumbfounded. For example, i know a lot of email marketing software makes it possible to include video, it is simply the easiest way to be informed now that the web allows it so easily.

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