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kent_autistic 2011-05-03 09:14

Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
My RSS feed reader seems to be acting up recently (after the recent CSSU update, don't know why). Suddenly it deletes my subscribed feeds and takes forever to update. How can I uninstall and then re-install the default RSS feed reader?

Thanks in advance!

paulkoan 2011-05-03 12:06

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
There is probably no need to attempt a reinstall.

The first thing to try is to clear out the folder the rss reader uses for storage:


First, take a copy of feedlist.opml from this folder, as it contains your rss feeds. Then delete everything else in it. Then put feedlist.ompl back and

killall osso_rss_feed_reader

Start the RSS reader again and see how you go...

AgentZ 2011-05-04 01:25

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
having the same problem as OP, will try what was mentioned and see how it goes

seanmcken 2012-11-13 03:55

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
i reinstalled RSS feed but i cant see widget on homescreen. command i used was apt-get install osso-rss-feed-reader and command i used for remove was apt-get --purge --auto-remove remove osso-rss-feed-reader*
plz help

seanmcken 2012-11-13 05:36

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
plz help out abt this widget problem

michaaa62 2012-11-13 08:16

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader
If you uninstall everything related with the *, then those packages that depend from or are named like, will get removed.:eek::eek::eek:
BUT: What makes you actually think that installing without that * will actually pull everything related to osso-rss-feed-reader???:confused:

So instead of asking here, do a search in the package cache! May that be via FasterApplicationManager or X-Terminal and apt-cache.

apt-cache search osso-rss-feed-reader
Pick up the package called widget or applet or similiar and you are fine to install it.

reinob 2012-11-13 08:36

Re: Uninstall/re-install default RSS feed reader

Originally Posted by seanmcken (Post 1293636)
plz help out abt this widget problem


# apt-get install osso-rss-feed-reader-applet

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