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n900 lover 2011-05-04 03:48

major probem with n900
After installing the symbian anna icons yesterday my n900 went crazy, and it says that cssu is not installed. i ckecked in settings and that cssu thing in settings is missing. so i decided to reflash and i restored a backup. luckily all my current setings were remembered specially cos i couldnt be bothered going through all the trouble with qbw and stuff cos i had moded the phone quite a bit.anyway....everything was going fine with the newly flashed n900, but then i want to put a reboot button on the power button and xterminal was only show not even a quarter of wats on the power button. then i go into to appman to download an app and it says before i can download anything, that the cssu is not installed again!

now i think it has something to do with either symbian anna icon set or filebox, but im not 100% sure.

does this mean i have to flash the n900 as well as the mmc? is there no solution so i dont have to flash?

your help would be greatly appreciated.


n900 lover 2011-05-04 08:49

Re: major probem with n900
does anybody have any ideas? or can anyone help maybe?

James_Littler 2011-05-04 08:54

Re: major probem with n900
Have you got a backup from before you installed the cssu, if so I'd advise you restore to that and then try installing the cssu from scratch

eefo 2011-05-04 08:55

Re: major probem with n900

Originally Posted by n900 lover (Post 999783)
After installing the symbian anna icons yesterday my n900 went crazy, and it says that cssu is not installed. i ckecked in settings and that cssu thing in settings is missing. so i decided to reflash and i restored a backup. luckily all my current setings were remembered specially cos i couldnt be bothered going through all the trouble with qbw and stuff cos i had moded the phone quite a bit.anyway....everything was going fine with the newly flashed n900, but then i want to put a reboot button on the power button and xterminal was only show not even a quarter of wats on the power button. then i go into to appman to download an app and it says before i can download anything, that the cssu is not installed again!

now i think it has something to do with either symbian anna icon set or filebox, but im not 100% sure.

does this mean i have to flash the n900 as well as the mmc? is there no solution so i dont have to flash?

your help would be greatly appreciated.


your power button is not the same now as it was before ?
right ?
it happened with me too when i first started to add the reboot button .
at first i got no clue and i flashed my n900 and then again second time it happened with me then i think i think i just undo every thing i done and i got my power menu back in it's original shape.

n900 lover 2011-05-04 08:56

Re: major probem with n900
i did that already and started putting back to the way it was before it started going crazy, but it did the same im going crazy! :D

thanks for the suggestion

eefo 2011-05-04 08:57

Re: major probem with n900
and the cssu thingy , try reinstalling cssu , first check if it is showing remove application list in app manager , if it is then uninstall it .
and then again install it.

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