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orava 2011-05-11 21:01

[Announce] Mapsi - a map application for everyone
4 Attachment(s)
Mapsi is a WMS (Web Map Service) client for WMS servers that support EPSG:3067, EPSG:3006 (from version 3.5.1 onwards), EPSG:3045(EPSG:32633) (from version 3.5.5 onwards) or EPSG:900913 (from version 4.0.0 onwards) coordinate system.

User guide

* Downloading and viewing map tiles
* Saving map tiles to database for offline use
* GPS support
* Landmarks support
* Support for map layers

Feedback is welcome.

Mapsi for Jolla/Sailfish
See this post.

Mapsi for N900
Latest version for N900 is 4.5.1, see this post.

Mapsi for N9/N950
Latest version for N9/N950 is 5.0.0, see this post for link and installation instructions.

dwaradzyn 2011-05-13 16:04

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
After installing it from extras-devel the app does not start and it looks like some missing dependencies:


qrc:/qml/Main.qml:55:5: Type MapArea unavailable
qrc:/qml/MapArea.qml:2:1: module "QtMobility.location" is not installed

orava 2011-05-13 17:03

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by dwaradzyn (Post 1005606)
After installing it from extras-devel the app does not start and it looks like some missing dependencies:


qrc:/qml/Main.qml:55:5: Type MapArea unavailable
qrc:/qml/MapArea.qml:2:1: module "QtMobility.location" is not installed

Yes it indeed seems that I have forgotten libqtm-11-declarative package from dependencies list. Installing that should fix that problem.

Metsämies 2011-05-14 03:09

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Great! Now it works!

Feedback: PC version will be also good for selecting map tiles. But maybe you should have settings option with automatically loading tiles with selected layers and user selected radius (on Maemo) ?

Real estate boundaries and identifiers on map would be also useful for hunters etc. Is it difficult to add some or all other services from ?

hyrra 2011-05-14 10:05

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1005656)
Yes it indeed seems that I have forgotten libqtm-11-declarative package from dependencies list. Installing that should fix that problem.

Installing libqtm-11-declarative package fix my black screen problem (same error as dwaradzyn). Thanks orava.

orava 2011-05-14 11:39

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by Metsämies (Post 1005904)
Feedback: PC version will be also good for selecting map tiles. But maybe you should have settings option with automatically loading tiles with selected layers and user selected radius (on Maemo) ?

You can download map tiles from specified area and layer by selecting the icon that that looks like a map from the settings menu(the lowest icon). Clicking the button that says "Make map mode" will change mode to "Download only mode" and after that you can select layer and area from which tiles are downloaded. Downloading can be aborted by long pressing the same map icon in the settings menu.


Real estate boundaries and identifiers on map would be also useful for hunters etc.
I was thinking of adding support for these in the next version.

copperviking 2011-05-19 09:37

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns

Originally Posted by orava (Post 1005656)
Yes it indeed seems that I have forgotten libqtm-11-declarative package from dependencies list. Installing that should fix that problem.

Hello! Where can I download that missing libqtm package? Cant find it in extras-devel.....

Found it, but what is right version?

savorau 2011-05-19 14:41

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Great to have topo maps back to n900!
This is 10+ program if i could figure out how to
get all Finland maps straight to n900 memory...? I use maps
lot without 3g network.. And it would be possible to
use without data packet(via bluetooth gps)

copperviking 2011-05-19 15:51

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
Why cant I install libqtm-11-declarative package? What version should it be? Can somebody help?

savorau 2011-05-19 16:11

Re: [Announce] Mapsi - a map application for Finns
1. sudo gainroot

2. apt-get install libqtm-11-declarative

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