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slaapliedje 2011-05-15 06:42

Revenge of the Titans Source Code!
Anyone up for making a port of this?

I was playing it today (got it with the Humble Indie Bundle) and it's a pretty good tower defense game (rather hard too!). I think it'd work great on a touch screen.


Andy1210 2011-05-15 23:24

Re: Revenge of the Titans Source Code!
ijj, java...

archl 2011-08-13 22:54

Re: Revenge of the Titans Source Code!
Hi, this depend on lwjgl which now have official opengl es support, means somebody should try compile it for N900! please

vetsin 2012-09-26 13:01

Re: Revenge of the Titans Source Code!
any update on this? the lack of tower defense games on the N900 has been putting some strain on my marriage... i always grab my wife's android phone to play tower defense and the missus isn't happy. :)
so... anybody heroic enough to save our marriage?

vetsin 2012-09-29 11:54

Re: Revenge of the Titans Source Code!
ok... so no one's biting. is there an easy way of doing this myself? :)
i'm looking at this:
and this: and they both look not so noob friendly.
i'm ok with a "that's dev territory, keep off" answer, if that's the case, or point me to the noob friendly version of the tutorials. thanks!

luiscesjr 2012-10-06 18:25

Re: Revenge of the Titans Source Code!

Originally Posted by vetsin (Post 1273848)
ok... so no one's biting. is there an easy way of doing this myself? :)
i'm looking at this:
and this: and they both look not so noob friendly.
i'm ok with a "that's dev territory, keep off" answer, if that's the case, or point me to the noob friendly version of the tutorials. thanks!

You want a dev kit for use on the N900? Then it's Mad devloper.
And in fact it's also good for developing for N900 on windows, save
the painful installation of the VMware and the linux image.
( Took me hours to set up internet connection for it! )

You want to learn how to code? then it's more about this.:
That's of course some C++ learning guides, but it will give you a good insight of things. You can look also for other languages like Python, Pearl, C, Java... etc.
Then when you are used to that and looked into some codes, you can go advancing into looking about ASM for example.

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