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rosh 2011-05-21 07:34

Lock clock @ 600 (or 800) with power-kernel for skype calls?
I know that the stock kernel locks the clock when we make/receive a gsm call.

How do i fix the clock (at a specific value 600 or 800) when i make/receive Skype call with power-kernel?

if the answer is QBW what exactly should i put in the dbus monitor textbox?

rosh 2011-05-21 14:04

Re: Lock clock @ 600 (or 800) with power-kernel for skype calls?
anybody please?

rajil.s 2011-05-21 14:20

Re: Lock clock @ 600 (or 800) with power-kernel for skype calls?
Look here for some tips

rosh 2011-05-21 15:11

Re: Lock clock @ 600 (or 800) with power-kernel for skype calls?
Thanks. I checked it before and i dont find a folder (/etc/dbus-scripts.d/) in my n900 to save that script, any idea?. Also thats for regular/sip calls. Will that work with skype calls?

rajil.s 2011-05-21 18:28

Re: Lock clock @ 600 (or 800) with power-kernel for skype calls?
You will have to install dbus-scripts from extras-devel iirc. Sorry, no idea about skype.

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