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Daneel 2011-05-21 15:20

N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
Just few minutes ago i plugged in the wall charger in my N900 and nothing happened, same with the PC cable.
The only sign on life i can notice is the led blinking orange when either cable is plugged in but that only happens if the device is turned off.
After i plug it in and its turned off Nokia logo shows up, phone does a short vibration the dots show up and it does that over and over again.
If i remove it from the charger it boots up properly.

Well, not any more, during writing it seems the battery died completely and now it stays dead with the led constantly glowing yellow.

Oh, when i try to boot with the pressing U on the keyboard while i plug it in the PC USB Cable the USB icon is not showing up, only the nokia logo is visible but now not even that works, only sign of life is the led constantly glowing yellow.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

ndi 2011-05-21 15:48

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1012009)
it stays dead with the led constantly glowing yellow.

This is emergency charge. When it's too low to boot up, it stays like that for a while, trying to gather enough charge to power up OK.

Not every wall charger, USB port and the like can charge the N900, and the LED goes orange but battery is eaten. Use Nokia's, or a good, non-hubbed port. Also, there could be an issue with your battery.

Leave it solid orange for a while. After half an hour or an hour, try to boot. If it doesn't, use a known good charger. If it does, charge while booted up.

Also, while-off-charging is buggy. Don't do it :P

Daneel 2011-05-21 16:43

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
Thanks ndi, i'll give it a shot :)

Daneel 2011-05-22 07:49

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
No dice.
After being plugged in for a while even the led stops glowing yellow.
It starts glowing again if i unplug and plug it in.

I'm using the original charger and cable, although i'm in Japan and the voltage here is different so i use the wall charger with an adapter and the cable is plugged in my laptop USB.

I'd try anything, just give me an idea, Thanks again!

ndi 2011-05-22 11:52

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
I understand that after being yellow for a while, it still won't boot after removing the charger.

Does it try, does the LED fade in when you hold power? Voltage in Japan doesn't matter, the power supply is switching.

At this point, it's either the charger (least likely, since USB doesn't do it), the battery (likely) or charging circuit.

If I were you I'd get another BL-5J from another phone (Xpress music 5800, e.g.) and try to boot it up. If it does (and likely will), try to charge that battery. If it charges, it's the battery. If it doesn't, Nokia Care Centre.

I'm leaning towards the battery. Find someone to lend you a battery for 10 minutes. Swap them, use LSHAL to get voltage, let it charge for 10-20 minutes, then unplug and compare.

If you can't find anyone to help, buy a battery. Worst case scenario, you have a backup battery. Store it in a bag with a bit of rice or silica gel, in the fridge, approx 50 percent charged. Shelf life in these circumstances is about 10 years, you won't lose it.

It certainly looks like a dead battery, but it could be other things, a poor contact in the USB charger socket, burned charging circuit, etc.

Don't think it's software related, but you said you can't flash.

If you can't boot up several times in a row, it's bricked and needs to be taken to Nokia. If it no longer does anything, even with USB flash mode, you likely need to take it to Nokia. Try a battery swap if you know someone, but if it does nothing any more, it's time for service.

topet2k12001 2011-05-22 12:32

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1012009)
Just few minutes ago i plugged in the wall charger in my N900 and nothing happened, same with the PC cable.
The only sign on life i can notice is the led blinking orange when either cable is plugged in but that only happens if the device is turned off.
After i plug it in and its turned off Nokia logo shows up, phone does a short vibration the dots show up and it does that over and over again.
If i remove it from the charger it boots up properly.

Well, not any more, during writing it seems the battery died completely and now it stays dead with the led constantly glowing yellow.

Oh, when i try to boot with the pressing U on the keyboard while i plug it in the PC USB Cable the USB icon is not showing up, only the nokia logo is visible but now not even that works, only sign of life is the led constantly glowing yellow.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Sorry but I just wanted to try you remember doing anything prior to that happening, e.g. installing something?

Daneel 2011-05-22 14:41

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
Thanks for the help guys, i really appreciate it!

The status at the moment is this: When i plug in the charger it only glows yellow for a while, maybe an hour. After that it doesn't show any signs of life.


Does it try, does the LED fade in when you hold power?
Not any more, nothing happens.


Sorry but I just wanted to try you remember doing anything prior to that happening, e.g. installing something?
No, not really. I was playing some game on my Laptop while watching if i get any Skype IMs on my N900.

Thanks again guys, i guess i'll try to get a spare battery, finding one in japan will definitely be a challenge :)

topet2k12001 2011-05-22 15:09

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.

Originally Posted by Daneel (Post 1012719)
Thanks again guys, i guess i'll try to get a spare battery, finding one in japan will definitely be a challenge :)

You could probably try one of those universal cellphone battery chargers, like this:

I'm in an Asian country too (Philippines) and that kind of charger is very common and cheap compared to trying to find a spare battery.

Daneel 2011-05-23 05:57

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
I'll give it a shot if i can find it in a local store. I already tried buying a spare battery from Amazon but their deliver time is too long.
I will be going back to my home country on the 8th of june so i guess i will score a battery there.

I really don't know how will i indure two and something weeks without my trusted companion.

Since i have the N900, my laptops and PCs have been collecting dust, even when i'm at home. This little gadget has been steadily nesting itself in my life so right now...i am embarassed to say this about electronic device, but i really miss it :)

Thanks again guys!

efekt 2011-05-23 06:06

Re: N900 detects beeing plugged in but does not charge, led constantly glowing yellow, usb icon not showing when trying to reflash.
Remove (e.g, take out) the battery from the device for one hour, then put it in again and try to recharge. Used to work for me when that happened :)

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