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arnoldux 2011-05-28 16:14

unexpected reboot while watching a video
Hi all, hope this is the correct place for this, i had a few unexpected reboots yesterday while watching a movie on my n900.

NEVER NEVER happened to me till yesterday, i figure how it happened and this is the formula:

kernel 47 + ideal profile under queen beecon widget + stock video player watching a movie 2+hrs length (devils advocate)

maybe this is just me or its a known bug or maybe just happened, i dunno

everything its fine if i just dont use the ideal profile under that combo.


nkirk 2011-05-29 04:54

Re: unexpected reboot while watching a video
Its due to the too low voltage of ideal profile, try increasing them a bit, and whats the bit rate of the video ? is it a tad higher than the previous videos you've watched?. Because of increased disk activity + more work for the processor + more work for DSP :eek: for an increased amount of time, it might reboot sometimes.
you can easily edit the voltage profile for best results. always avoid presets coz every chip is not the same:D


Hurrian 2011-05-29 05:08

Re: unexpected reboot while watching a video
It's called undervolting the DSP. It's really sensitive to voltage, it seems. I actually had to raise the XLV profiles by 1-3 steps just to get it stable with VDD1 and VDD2 SR on.

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