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Harlequin 2011-05-29 17:03

Sort conversations chronologically

Unsurprisingly, I have a problem. I had had to send my N900 off for repairs again, this time to the charging port and thankfully it was still in warranty. When I got my phone back, I restored my backup, however, the Conversations is all out of order. I start at the bottom of the conversation with all my messages to that contact ever and then above I have all their messages to me. I had the same issue last time I had to send it off but i just ended up clearing all my conversations. does anyone know how to get it to resort all my messages into the correct threaded and chronological order.
Thanks for reading, I appreciate the time spent.


lardman 2011-05-29 18:46

Re: Sort conversations chronologically
No I don't, however the database is accessible so someone might know how to do it (or rather what's missing from the backup to restore the order you have beforehand). Might be worth a post to maemo-users/developers to get some decent exposure.

Harlequin 2011-06-02 09:01

Re: Sort conversations chronologically
Thanks Lardman,

I dont really want to spam across the forums. Does anyone else have any suggestions?

hobarrera 2012-01-26 03:45

Re: Sort conversations chronologically
I realize this is rather old; but did you manage to get this issue fixed eventually?

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