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damagedspline 2011-05-31 20:34

[Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
For those that followed the other Waze threads in the forum, this is mainly for you.

The project is still in its very *very* early development stages so no real navigationyet.
Current version only targets Israeli users.

v0.0.8.5 - 1-Oct-2011 - installable link
* Fixes to World/US maps
* Don't rotate the map if in unlocked mode
* Screen can stay lit
* Several fixes relating to roundabouts
* Bolder track marker
* Roundabout straight vocal & icon added
* Min/max zoom indicators
* Add 2km notification
* Track start/stop icons
- Requires one of the latest CSSU
- No rerouting yet
- Beware of high 3G usage, the maps are not cached
- Recommended to click show me and verify that the current location is OK before starting a navigation
- some voice instructions might be trimmed because of "No Vorbis I"

v0.0.8 - 23-Aug-2011 - installable link
* Several fixes to UI
* Voice instructions
* Full screen instructions
* Next turns
* North can be locked when navigating
- No rerouting yet
- Screen does no stay lit yet
- Beware of high 3G usage, the maps are not cached
- Voice instructions might be a little premature - need fixing
- Weird roundabout behaviour in visual signs + voice instructions...
- Recommended to click show me and verify that the current location is OK before starting a navigation
- some voice instructions might be trimmed because of "No Vorbis I"

v0.0.7 - 5-Aug-2011 Installable link
* New UI (toolbar, notifications, busy screens...)
* New icons
* Favorite locations
* Redesigned for future Meego code reuse
- No voice guidance yet
- Screen does no stay lit yet
- No rerouting yet
- Beware of high 3G usage, the maps are not cached

v0.0.6 - 6-Jul-2011 Installable link
* English translation
* World maps support
* Settings dialog
* Auto save for previously viewed location (loaded at start)
* Map rotates during navigation according to driving direction
* Device portrait support
- No voice guidance yet
- Screen does no stay lit yet
- No rerouting yet
- Beware of high 3G usage, the maps are not cached
- Missing "busy" indicators
- some layouts are right to left instead of left to right

v0.0.5 - 22-Jun-2011 Installable link
* Fixes to track drawing/cleanup
* Fixes to navigation + added basic navigation UI
* Added car mocker for easier testing
* Added GPS status & follow me button
* Simplified navigation dialog
* Hide irrelevant buttons
- No voice guidance yet
- No Internationalisation yet (Still only for Israeli users)
- No rotating map yet
- Screen does no stay lit yet
- No rerouting yet

v0.0.4 - 4-Jun-2011 - Installable link
* Fix deb dependencies.
* Added track plotting.
* Added initial navigation.

v0.0.3 - Installable link
* Search location
* Show current location
* Choose path between 2 locations and show course main information (no navigation yet and no drawing on map)
* Zoom in/out
* Pan map

Map (v0.0.2)
Select desired track (v0.0.3)
Initial navigation support (v0.0.4)
Better navigation support (v0.0.5)

Project road map:

damagedspline 2011-06-03 14:50

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
This causes quite a delay with the next version because of the painting of track & traffic statuses are not performed.

I am doing one hack of a workaround to overcome it.

Solved - apparently the livemap on the waze site does not work on KDE's browser as well...
I set the rendrer to be "canvas" and now all ok.

dimbert 2011-06-03 20:40

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
Waiting... Unfortunately I'm from Brazil... Not Israel... But one day I'll have the happiness to use this app

lardman 2011-06-03 21:13

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
What is the Israel-specific nature of the app? I've read that elsewhere too.

(As a quick explanation to save me and others needing to go and dig for the info)

ZogG 2011-06-03 21:30

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
i dunno what can be israeli specific (maybe language ?) but originally waze and roadmap are israeli projects

ironm8 2011-06-04 10:19

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
wow...ill try it soon enough!

I tried something similar using QT and the mobility API...its sooo slow, it was worthless. My hopes you'll succeed.

damagedspline 2011-06-04 14:15

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 1021888)
What is the Israel-specific nature of the app? I've read that elsewhere too.

(As a quick explanation to save me and others needing to go and dig for the info)

Currently the application hardcodedly uses the israeli servers and i used hebrew on the buttons & labels (also everything is in right to left order).

if they use cloud servers, maybe other countries are also available through this site, but the text is still in hebrew. once i finish the base logic, i will turn to localizations & settings.

epitaph 2011-06-04 14:22

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML

Originally Posted by damagedspline (Post 1022212)
Currently the application hardcodedly uses the israeli servers and i used hebrew on the buttons & labels (also everything is in right to left order).

if they use cloud servers, maybe other countries are also available through this site, but the text is still in hebrew. once i finish the base logic, i will turn to localizations & settings.

Me, too, I'm worried about the application speed. Do you mind to post how you hack roadmap_input.c?


I'm new to QT and also to the waze code, but as far as I've seen ( 2 hrs) the protocol code is wrapped in roadmap_input.c among other c files.
Does it make sense to write a commandline-tool for this roadmap_input.c? I'm a Google-Maps developer and I can't see those maps anymore. It would be nice to have just a commandline-tool with lots of numbers and directions?

colm.smyth 2011-06-04 16:43

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML
Can you report the pictures of the app as they are not working.

Whats with the Israel comments, is this Waze client specific to Israel only, it should work everywhere no ?

damagedspline 2011-06-04 16:58

Re: [Announce] Qwazer - Waze web client in pure QML

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 1022214)
Me, too, I'm worried about the application speed. Do you mind to post how you hack roadmap_input.c?

I didn't. 90% of the technologies waze are using is already implemented one way or the other.

I did it as follows:
1) Maps & tiles => Waze web API which is strongly based on OpenLayers and uses WMS as a tiling protocol - this runs inside an embedded browser
2) Find - AJAX API call against Waze site (the one from their web API is not good, I had to rewrite)
3) Navigation - AJAX API call against Waze site - I do what their livemap site does
4) Plotting track - OpenLayers again
5) Plotting traffic issues - (not implemented yet) AJAX API call &OpenLayers
6) GPS interaction - QTMobility

I have not yet enabled browser caching, once I do that, the speed will increase and the network traffic will degrade.

I am trying to design it in a way so that once there will be a WMS plugin for the QML Location Map element, I will ditch the embedded browser and this will have a lot of obvious benefits.


Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 1022214)
Does it make sense to write a commandline-tool for this roadmap_input.c? I'm a Google-Maps developer and I can't see those maps anymore. It would be nice to have just a commandline-tool with lots of numbers and directions?

I look at the C code very rarely as its missing some documentation. I looked at it several times when I tried modifying Mappero to support waze, but that was a long time ago.

Anyway v0.0.4 is now available,

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