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rocky333 2011-06-05 19:48

I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
I have readed, you can't make IP calls on a data plan, is that true?

So... skype on N900 only works via WIFI????

Please get me some info about it.


Reffyyyy 2011-06-05 19:59

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
I'm on Giffgaff. Calling over my data connection is fine.

kolos 2011-06-05 20:04

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
IP calls just work fine, if your mobile operator doesn't block such traffic.

rocky333 2011-06-05 20:13

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
yes, my data conection is unlimited at full speed, after 500mb goes down to 256kb/s download 56kb/s upload teorically...

But some internet movile, doesn't addmit VOIP calling....

uvatbc 2011-06-05 22:30

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
Skype on n900 works on wifi and gsm. The only reason it wouldn't work is because:
1. Your telco blocks skype on its network unless you pay more
2. Network connectivity is spotty and skype isn't able to connect to it servers
3. The skype network is down (rare but it has happened).

droll 2011-06-05 22:34

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
or your N900 is botched :)

thesh0rty 2011-06-06 05:38

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
I had issues on 2g, but 3g and wifi were great.

dtparikh 2011-06-06 05:43

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
SKype works fine on 2G, 3G as well as Wifi !!
But one issue which i found while using on Wifi was that , the person using Skype through Wifi (on some other phone) makes skype call, we can hear him, but he could not hear my voice. In that case, i had to call him back from skype (using my 2G/3G plan) and then we were able to communicate properly.

Had experienced this behaviour 2-3 times

shadowjk 2011-06-15 09:34

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
Most likely caused by a broken NAT router on either or both sides.

Radu 2011-06-15 18:57

Re: I have a question about skype on n900... ( data plan )
Works fine on T-mobile US, at least with IPV6. However, it takes along time until the connection is established (30 seconds or so).

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