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gerdich 2011-06-08 08:15

Magnetic senor module
Is there any way to attach this to the n900:

lardman 2011-06-08 10:12

Re: Magnetic senor module
You probably want a 3 axis version so you don't have to make sure it's always parallel to the ground, then you'd need to make up a power supply and comms. There were similar questions and some answers in the old compass thread.

Just a shame there's no Bluetooth compass sensors available still :(

MartinK 2011-06-08 11:32

Re: Magnetic senor module
The Freerunner navigation board might be a better choice :)

abill_uk 2011-06-08 11:37

Re: Magnetic senor module

Originally Posted by gerdich (Post 1024817)
Is there any way to attach this to the n900:

Impossible and not even worth the time and effort, better to go buy a mobile with compass already built in.

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