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zurrain101 2011-06-18 07:44

Enna Media Player Problem
HELLO. i just installed enna media player. it was giving me an error of depedencies so i removed libeina0 and it installed fine from xterminal. it also installed some lib files with it. but now when i open the icon, it doesnt open. it crashes on the start. is anyone facing this problem? how should i use enna media player? i really wanna use it.

mahie 2011-06-18 14:32

Re: enna media player
i could'n install enna player . i added d catalog but it fails to update everytime . how did u get it to work ??

zurrain101 2011-06-18 14:56

Re: enna media player
it doesnt work. it crashes. it doesnt open i cannot use it. just disable extras devel n remove libeina0 n it installs but doesnt open

zurrain101 2011-06-18 15:52

Re: enna media player
but why doesnt it open?

sjgadsby 2011-07-11 17:28

Re: Enna Media Player Problem
Duplicate threads merged. zurrian101, do not open multiple threads for the same issue.

nokiabot 2013-09-05 08:01

Re: Enna Media Player Problem
anyone succeded is the repo is not refreshing for me anyone share the deb please.

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