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loverfellow 2011-06-21 20:36

Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900
I am curious as to know if there is a way to use the LAN internet of a PC on N900 through only Data Cable. I don't have any bluetooth and wifi connection. And internet on mobile is only available as GPRS and EDGE with very low speeds in my country.

It would be a great help for me since to install applications, we need to use the internet on mobile only.

stlpaul 2011-06-21 20:46

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

loverfellow 2011-06-21 22:09

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 1035251)

Its very difficult to really extract what I need from this thread. It would be so helpful if you can highlight me the areas for which I should be concerned about in order to do this task.

Creamy Goodness 2011-06-21 22:15

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900
it shouldn't be that much to read once you stop looking at the parts for different operating systems and concentrate on whichever one you are using...

loverfellow 2011-06-21 22:39

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 1035352)
it shouldn't be that much to read once you stop looking at the parts for different operating systems and concentrate on whichever one you are using...

Well, buddy, I will give it a try. Hope its possible. I mean I read somewhere that its not possible.

loverfellow 2011-06-22 09:05

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900
I got a problem on the very first step...
when I enter
it says permission denied

I have no network running

If it is a file... then where can I locate it in filebox
How can I run this command in x-terminal

jedi 2011-06-22 09:08

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by loverfellow (Post 1035710)
I got a problem on the very first step...
when I enter
it says permission denied

I have no network running

You must be root!:

loverfellow 2011-06-22 09:11

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1035712)

I have already installed rootsh and I have run both commands
sudo gainroot and root, but the result is same.

jedi 2011-06-22 09:37

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by loverfellow (Post 1035716)
I have already installed rootsh and I have run both commands
sudo gainroot and root, but the result is same.

Copy/paste your xterm window here.

(if you are attempting to edit /etc/network/interfaces and it gives you the message "permission denied" then you aren't root!)

loverfellow 2011-06-22 14:16

Re: Using Internet Through Data Cable Only On N900

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 1035739)
Copy/paste your xterm window here.

(if you are attempting to edit /etc/network/interfaces and it gives you the message "permission denied" then you aren't root!)

First I will enter "root" command in xterm. Then I will simply write command "/etc/network/interfaces", and it gives the following information in xterm;

-sh: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied

Then I will enter "sudo gainroot" command in xterm. Then I will simply write command "/etc/network/interfaces", and it gives the following information in xterm;

/bin/sh: /etc/network/interfaces: Permission denied

I am quoting the instruction as was written in . Please, tell me where I am making the mistake.


N900 USB network configuration

If you are going to use windows as your host, the configuration needed on your N900 are a little different, so skip directly to the "Starting USB network mode with Windows" Part.

There is a default USB network interface configuration on Nokia N900. In the file /etc/network/interfaces, you should see a section which looks like this:


auto usb0
iface usb0 inet static

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