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12vibes 2011-06-22 14:26

Evernote Mobile and Default Browser
In the last week or so the MicroB browser is showing that I have no notes in Evernote Mobile. Using mobile Firefox it shows the correct notes. It was perfectly Ok until just recently.
Any ideas as to what has happened in MicroB and what can be done to rectify the situation.
Thanks John

jedi 2011-06-22 14:35

Re: Evernote Mobile and Default Browser

Originally Posted by 12vibes (Post 1035979)
In the last week or so the MicroB browser is showing that I have no notes in Evernote Mobile. Using mobile Firefox it shows the correct notes. It was perfectly Ok until just recently.
Any ideas as to what has happened in MicroB and what can be done to rectify the situation.
Thanks John

They've probably made a change on their site which 'breaks' the functionality in MicroB.

Why not use Qvernote? - a dedicated app for Evernote?

12vibes 2011-06-22 21:55

Re: Evernote Mobile and Default Browser
Thanks for that I will look into that tomorrow.

Ricardo 2011-06-26 15:07

Re: Evernote Mobile and Default Browser

Originally Posted by 12vibes (Post 1035979)
In the last week or so the MicroB browser is showing that I have no notes in Evernote Mobile.

I think this is caused by a javascript error on their site - more info on the Evernote Forum - please drop by and leave a message (and open a support inquiry, too) so they might fix the problem!

BTW, I installed qvernote 0.5-5maemo1 a long time ago, but it's so buggy (creates multiple copies of notes, creates blank notes, does not sync some notes, ...) that I just gave it up. It's a pity, since it has a nice interface and would be a terrific app (if it worked well)...

12vibes 2011-06-28 15:34

Re: Evernote Mobile and Default Browser
Evernote say the are not going to support MicroB. I have tried Firefox mobile and this seems to work. Cant get Qvernote to work properly.
Thanks to all who replied.

Ricardo 2011-06-28 17:50

Re: Evernote Mobile and Default Browser
It seems that Evernote has at least 3 Web UI versions:
  • A simple, lightweight, read-only version
  • An Ajax version (the one opened by default by MicroB)
  • The full Web UI (opened by default on a desktop browser)

Everything was fine with MicroB and the Ajax version until a couple of months ago: I could read notes, create notes and edit notes (if they had RTF, I could only append text though). Now it can't show notes anymore...

I can use MicroB and Firefox to open the full Web version of Evernote, even though it's buggy and very slow - ant that's using Wi-Fi (on my 2G/3G network it is painfully slow).

The Ajax version was very fast on any connection type, but now it doesn't work on either browser.

The simple version works fine on Firefox: it allows you to search, read, e-mail and delete notes - but not edit them. You can also create "quick notes". I can only use the simple version on MicroB when Javascript is turned off (or else it loads the buggy Ajax version).

So, if you just want to read a note on your phone and the connection is slow, you can use the simple mobile Web UI at For a full editing version, go to the full Web interface (if you connection and patience allows you).

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