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IcyMoustache 2011-06-24 12:47

Nokia's Windows phone - so dumb!!!
Some of you might have already done this, but others, have a look:

With the special rights Nokia got from its deal with M$, I was expecting a slightly better UI. Maybe building on the live tiles to differentiate itself from other OEMs. But this looks sick!!!!!

How does the idiot of an Elop expect this to sell compared to Meego.... why oh why!!!!!

(numbers are approximate: Windows phone 7 sold 2 million since it launch many months ago. Even the recently launched N8 had 4 million sales....)

I expect some Nokia employees answers also here, how can u keep up with the stupidity of Nokia management!!!! For example that blue shirted guy who demoed the phone, he didnt even know how to speak and what to speak!!!

Dave999 2011-06-24 13:02

Re: Nokia's Windows phone - so dumb!!!
I have seen it and it is light years from the n9 gui. Now, merge this thread plz.

afaq 2011-06-24 13:03

Re: Nokia's Windows phone - so dumb!!!
Nokia will sell a decent number of WP7's. This is why:
  • It seems Meego Harmattan will not be available on the N9 in all European countries. (not confirmed)
  • Effect of this is that consumers may purchase the N9 for its new hardware and slick looks.(likely I think)
  • Some consumers who identify with the Nokia brand may make an uninformed decision when buying the N9. Nokia Owners (symbian) i know have never heard of Maemo/Meego. WP7 will just be a new fancy update from Symbian.
  • Nokia's brand will help WP7.

stickymick 2011-06-24 13:18

Re: Nokia's Windows phone - so dumb!!!
The dumbest thing is that there's people out there who will by a WP7 device in the belief that they are buying a genuin N9.

Just like there's a certain breed that will go buy a PC because it looks nice, not because of what it's got in it and what it can do.

xkkkx 2011-06-24 18:41

Re: Nokia's Windows phone - so dumb!!!
this Windows thing is clearly using just a fraction of the whole potential of N9, a shame really

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