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nephridium 2011-06-30 17:31

Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
Hey folks.

Seeing as apparently the N9 won't be launching in certain countries I was just wondering how legally feasible it would be for a company (or even just a private person) to sell N9s to third countries. I'm guessing these probably would be considered legal as "grey imports", but maybe someone here could shed some more light on this situation.

How would one go about making the last ever Harmattan device available to the world? Is this possible without getting your behinds sued off by an elopian Nokia or the N9s confiscated by the customs department?

tissot 2011-06-30 17:39

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
Though i'm not sure as what not selling in these countries means.

Does it mean that carriers wont be selling it in these countries, but you can buy it unlocked from most of the European countries?
Or no support at all with absolutely no localisation and Nokia not doing repairs?
I remember seeing languages available for N9 in the settings on demo video and it certainly seemed to be much more than these supported countries listed.

Example does anybody remember how N900 launch countries where listed? As N900 was available pretty much everywhere in Europe, but just only unlocked.

momcilo 2011-06-30 17:43

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
It depends on where purchase takes place(country).

nephridium 2011-06-30 17:51

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
Iirc the N900 was available in many more countries from the get go, but was held back in some because the OS and software wasn't really ready yet.

With the N9 it seems more like: the device will be ready but is kept out of retail channels due to the strategic alliance with MS; i.e. they want to push WP7 there. (I'm basing this mainly off how Elop tries to downplay Meego and praise WP7 whenever possible)

cfh11 2011-06-30 18:00

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
I am sure you will still be able to buy an unlocked version from (just like the n900 and n8).

lore 2011-06-30 18:01

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries
IANAL but if Nokia will sell directly to certain Countries in the EU - say Austria - how can they stop Austrians to re-sell to other EU Countries probably the catch will be assistance and / or guarantee. Maybe Nokia has the right to offer those only in the selected EU Countries.

anyways I'm pretty sure that the N9 and the N950 will be sold online soon.

nephridium 2011-06-30 18:01

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries

Originally Posted by momcilo (Post 1042329)
It depends on where purchase takes place(country).

What difference would the country of purchase make? Let's pick a few examples from the Nokia website's "Check availability" list: Australia, China, Finland, Hong Kong, Russia

Would any country be "barred" from distributing the devices internationally? If so, why?

nephridium 2011-06-30 18:06

Re: Selling N9 to "unsupported" countries

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 1042347)
I am sure you will still be able to buy an unlocked version from (just like the n900 and n8).

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I could see them putting up a message "Sorry, device not available for purchase in your selected country. - But look out for Nokia's brandnew WP7 phone coming to your market soon(tm)!"

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