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Jaffa 2011-07-04 09:11

MWKN Weekly News: 4 July 2011
MWKN Weekly News: 4 July 2011

MeeGo and Harmattan: Clearing a path

One of your editors, Ryan Abel has started the conversation about what's necessary to ensure the N9/Harmattan and MeeGo communities work together:

The lack of interesting devices shipping MeeGo is currently the platform's biggest problem. Despite the technical differences between MeeGo and Harmattan, leveraging the N9, its users, and its developers is likely to play an important part in determining future success for MeeGo. If Nokia's plans for MeeGo end with the N9, we want to retain as many of those users and developers as we can when they decide to buy new devices. So capturing them early and ensuring they're welcome in is important.
Discussion is trying to capture the obstacles and differences between Harmattan and MeeGo proper, to ensure a seamless adoption of MeeGo for developers enticed by N9.
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In this edition...
  1. Front Page
    • MeeGo and Harmattan: Clearing a path
  2. Development
    • Community apps' repositories on Nokia N9 and other MeeGo devices
    • Qt SDK, Harmattan, Scratchbox and autobuilders
    • Release schedule for MeeGo 1.3 finalised
    • Icon generator for Harmattan
    • Using Scratchbox with Qt Creator for faster Harmatan development
  3. Community
    • "MeeGo Pong" (re)naming competition winner!
    • Additional features for MeeGo forum?
    • Should have Nokia N9 sub-forum?
  4. Devices
    • Update on Nokia N950 Developer Device Programme
    • Hot Summer release for MeeGo 1.2 Community Edition for N900
  5. Announcements
    • WhoAreYou? - facial recognition

kojacker 2011-07-06 11:23

Re: MWKN Weekly News: 4 July 2011
Hey Jaffa, we're really proud that community donations for the Coding Competition bounty have now crossed the $1000 milestone - could you briefly mention it in next weeks Community news? :)

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