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phuongymy 2011-07-10 00:29

Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
Okay, so i checked out the specs for both and even though its a little early to say if its finalized specs or not. I was wondering what you guys have to say; speculating it from the videos, pictures and specs posted as of yet. Although N9 has great screen, N950 has better camera. N9 has no keyboard where as N950 does. No flash on both.(WHICH SUCKS)

Basically i just want to see what you guys would like to buy.. Nokia n950 or Nokia n9... And please post your reasons why... So i can make up my find and its easier for me to chose. Thanks

Kangal 2011-07-10 00:35

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I love it when we get to tell someone what to do and we absolutely don't know them.

ysss 2011-07-10 00:35

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
All of us here have pretty much decided to buy the N950 and to leave the N9 for the plebs out there...

chase15 2011-07-10 00:58

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
everyone would get n950 than n9.. id say 8 out of 10..

PartyboyXP 2011-07-10 01:16

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
N950 obviously
We need the QWERTY keyboard, a mobile computer without keyboard its incomplete

geneven 2011-07-10 01:28

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I think that the N950 s destined to be made widely available, assuming Nokia is sensible (?), so getting it is just a matter of waiting. If you can wait, wait.

Goliath27 2011-07-10 01:43

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 1048025)
I think that the N950 s destined to be made widely available, assuming Nokia is sensible (?), so getting it is just a matter of waiting. If you can wait, wait.

That's if my N900 can survive the wait. I can't imagine not using this and having something else as a temporary.

If I could use the E7 like a normal person than maybe.

anim1 2011-07-10 02:18

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9

Originally Posted by partyboyxp (Post 1048020)
n950 obviously
we need the qwerty keyboard, a mobile computer without keyboard its incomplete

i mean y call the n9 a mobile computer? When it is clearly a mobile tablet.
N950 for the win. I hope they finalize it and release the beast.

F2thaK 2011-07-10 02:42

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
umm, the N950 isnt available to buy..... unless something has changed very recently. nice to dream though.... (hey, I want one!)

oh and I heard somewhere that the N950 actually has same camera as N9...

JamesBond@ge 2011-07-10 02:51

Re: Nokia N950 vs Nokia N9
I'm enrolling on the Developers Program even though I couldn't 'develop' a piece of toast without burning it.

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