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zerocool2k 2011-07-16 21:56

Reboot while charger plugged in
I have this weird problem recently after installing CSSU. When I plug in the AC charger (battery still has ~50%) and then reboot, it won't boot up completely. First, the Nokia white screen comes up, then it turns dark (like it's going into screensaver mode), then it disappears and then the dark Nokia screen comes up again for a few seconds. After that is the 5 white dots, usually the phone lock number pad comes up after this (I have my lock on), but it just turns off now (or at least I think so because nothing shows for minutes after that). If I try to boot it up again using the power button, it does the same thing as above. It only boots normally when I remove the charger.

Anyone has the same problem? I do use kernel-power-47 btw.

handaxe 2011-07-16 23:40

Re: Reboot while charger plugged in
I have the same tho it does vary a bit as to whether or not it boots. Known issue I believe for some - not all n900s are =.

Megaltariak 2011-07-16 23:45

Re: Reboot while charger plugged in
I have the same issue since kernel-power 46.

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