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larux 2011-07-25 18:43 (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.
Fruit phone:

Member Company Apple, Inc.
Specification Name 2.1+EDR


Member Company Nokia Corporation
Specification Name 4.0



funkmunk 2011-07-25 19:09

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.
No where in that link does it metion the N9...Although this could also be another Harmattan device coming out later...may be the Tabco tablet... ;)

larux 2011-07-25 19:13

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.
For me THIS is proof. read: productS.


The Harmattan product platform includes all the Bluetooth functionality for the Nokia MeeGo products.

ysss 2011-07-25 19:31

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.

Originally Posted by larux (Post 1058056)
Fruit phone:

Member Company Apple, Inc.
Specification Name 2.1+EDR


Member Company Nokia Corporation
Specification Name 4.0



Might want to consider pitting an unreleased device vs a year old device that's due for an upgrade within a couple of months.

mikecomputing 2011-07-25 19:38

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.
correct me if I am wrong but isn't BT 4.0 "software related changes" or is the psycical layer also changed?

unfuccwittable 2011-07-26 08:56

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.

Originally Posted by funkmunk (Post 1058074)
No where in that link does it metion the N9...Although this could also be another Harmattan device coming out later...may be the Tabco tablet... ;)

lol how many Nokia Corporation Harmattan Product Platforms are there right now?

And as far as the next iphone is concerned, well let's just say carriers have never been too keen on supporting handsets that support all the Bluetooth profiles. Most handsets nowadays lack complete profile support, so I wouldn't expect to see iphone with all those profiles.

Parody 2011-07-26 10:03

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 1058091)
Might want to consider pitting an unreleased device vs a year old device that's due for an upgrade within a couple of months.

To be fair, the first time he was looking for a comparison only to confirm that the 4.0 really meant BT 4.0

jalyst 2011-07-26 17:38

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.

jalyst 2011-07-26 18:06

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 1058091)
Might want to consider pitting an unreleased device vs a year old device that's due for an upgrade within a couple of months.

Once official announcement of specs & it's release (undoubtedly) shortly thereafter.
But until then we can't... :confused:

And everything I've read from the best informed Apple pundits thus far...
Asserts the hardware's going to be a minor bump compared to releases in previous years.
The "really big" one's coming in approx. May (Q2) next year.

But I still expect the hardware to be slightly better than the N9 in many areas, & hugely in 1x or 2x.
The software update is one of the biggest for years though...

jalyst 2011-07-27 06:18

Re: (Bluetooth 4.0 and N9) CONFIRMED.
I don't see how that proves anything?
Weren't posts #111->117 better proof that BT4.0's not gunna happen?
I mean I'm ecstatic if you're right... but...

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