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Wonko 2011-07-28 21:55

[Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
MeePasswords is a simple application to securely store confidential data such as passwords and the like. The aim of MeePasswords is to provide a simple and intuitive to use user interface. MeePasswords uses 256 bit AES encryption and protects the encrypted data via a user configurable "master password".

There are already some tools for storing passwords available for Fremantle. Though, I could not find any tool for Harmattan. Hence I created MeePasswords. Furthermore, MeePasswords features some eye candy such as animated transitions and the like. Generally, the design goal of the MeePasswords user interface was to allow quick and easy interaction.

MeePasswords was initially developed for Harmattan. The Fremantle version was then ported based on the Harmattan version. The Fremantle version tries to mimic / resemble the behavior and look and feel of the Harmattan version.

Technically the Fremantle version als runs on "common" desktop operating systems. Though, I did not create packages for desktop OS yet. Essentially, I use this version to speed up the development but this is just a side note.

You can install MeePasswords from extras-devel. Unfortunately it seems that it will not be possible to promote MeePasswords to extras-testing in the near future. This is because MeePasswords uses the experimental Qt version which are restricted to extras-devel for now. The reason for this is due to a really strange bug which happens with the "stock" Qt version that ships with PR 1.3 but does not occur with the experimental Qt version.

You can find more information including some Screenshots and the MeeGo / Harmattan version of MeePasswords at:

As always, comments and feedback are highly appreciated.

Edit: Please note that I made a minor change to the way the data is stored in the first official release (1.0.0) as compared to the "experimental" versions before 1.0.0 (namely 0.9.0 and 0.9.0-1). This yields in the situation that data stored with the 0.9.x versions cannot be read with the 1.0.0+ versions.
Please be sure to install versions from 1.0.0 up. The way the data is stored is stable since 1.0.0 so there will be no problems with interoperability from this version on.
If you absolutely do require to read data stored with the 0.9.x versions please let me know. I would then implement an automatic "format conversion" mechanism.

Edit: I also submitted MeePasswords to the MeeGo Coding Competition 2011:

Well, it has been a long time since I didn't update this post. Nonetheless, the ones who followed this thread know that the development was not stuck.
Thanks to all who voted for MeePasswords in last years coding competition. MeePasswords scored the first place in its category. :)

In the meantime version 1.9.2 is out. This version fixes a critical bug that could yield in complete data loss. :o Thanks alot to titou1234 for finding and reporting this issue!I am currently working on getting this version into testing. Edit: The new version 1.9.2 is in testing for
What is also completely new: MeePasswords is also available for Mer/Nemo. To install it in Mer/Nemo simply add my download repository via zypper and then install MeePasswords also via zypper:

zypper ar
zypper in meepasswords

Note that you will be asked if you want to use my download repository. This is because it is not signed yet.

carlon 2011-07-28 22:01

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
looks good

travla 2011-07-29 00:07

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
Looks like a nice start, with a clean interface. Is there a roadmap of features that you plan to incorporate? High on my list would be synchronisation (or at least ability to import) from other systems.

I use KeePass which is a multiplatform desktop password vault.

towhatend 2011-07-29 01:14

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
Hi, it looks great, for now itīs only two things I come up with:

Nothing happens when I press the icon, i have to type sh /opt/meepasswords/ to start it. (first time it seems, working the second time)

A function that make it possible to copy the username/password to the clipboard would be nice. :)

lkravovicz 2011-07-29 06:57

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.

Originally Posted by travla (Post 1060306)
I use KeePass which is a multiplatform desktop password vault.

Yes, absolutely +1. Wonko please do not let your valuable effort go to waste a significant % with creating a standalone format tool. I'm also using KeePass across all platforms, incl. using wine. Even view/copy-only of KeePass format on Harmattan would go a long way towards being really useful.

As a matter of fact, MeePass would be an awesome name for your product as well, instantenous popularity rise.

Wonko 2011-07-29 13:54

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
Alright, just uploaded version 1.1.0 which adds KeePassX XML file import. The file selection dialog in the Harmattan/MeeGo version is still quite ugly. I hope we will get something like the native file selection dialogs or an QML equivalent for Harmattan/MeeGo as well.

With respect to the startup issue towhatend mentioned:
Could anyone confirm this happening?
Also what were the exact circumstances when this happened?

All feature requests are highly appreciated. Though, I have to see which of these can be realistically implemented and I do not want to clutter the user interface but rather keep it as simple as possible. But some "sync" functionality is on my personal to-do list as well. ;)

Alfred 2011-07-29 14:14

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
I can confirm this, nothing happens when i click the icon, neither works with the sh command. In fact i don't have an in that folder=( what is really weird..

Wonko 2011-07-29 14:27

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.

Originally Posted by Alfred (Post 1060605)
I can confirm this, nothing happens when i click the icon, neither works with the sh command. In fact i don't have an in that folder=( what is really weird..

Which MeePasswords version do you have installed?
Could you please check either via the application manager or (preferably) on the command line (e.g. in an xterm) via:

dpkg -l meepasswords
Note: this is a lowercase L and no uppercase I in "-l". ;)

Alfred 2011-07-29 14:32

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.

Originally Posted by Wonko (Post 1060616)
Which MeePasswords version do you have installed?
Could you please check either via the application manager or (preferably) on the command line (e.g. in an xterm) via:

dpkg -l meepasswords
Note: this is a lowercase L and no uppercase I in "-l". ;)

Nevermind, just updated to the latest one and everything works.
btw the sh script is in /opt/meepaswords/bin/

towhatend 2011-07-29 15:19

Re: [Announce] MeePasswords - Keep your passwords protected.
I think that it's not a bug in MeePasswords, I can only see the problem when I start it in portrait, in landscape it's working fine. So, if portrait isn't suported then everything is how it should be I guess. :)

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