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vetsin 2011-07-30 16:27

[Resolved] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
Anybody else having problem in playing back flv's after updating their Ogg support?
I saw and installed the update earlier and now my Media Player says:
"Unable to play media. Media format not supported." I only had the safe repos enabled, no testing, no devel.
The phone recognizes the files as Flash Video but can't play it.
I already emailed the author and he's looking at it, just wondering if anybody else is having trouble.

Just found out that our phone can't play 360p flv's in the first place... it was just a coincidence that I had to play a 360p flv the day I received the update. 240p works fine.

Changegames 2011-07-30 18:06

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
im having trouble too after the update mine starts playing for 1sec and then itl show unable to play media

prankster 2011-07-30 18:33

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
i didnt know if media player could play flv files ,always shows media not found etc ..
Km player is supposed to be used for such files .should work like charm .

vetsin 2011-07-30 19:45

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
i got extra decoders support installed so flv playback shouldn't be a problem. i also tried installing the deb through xterm but i just got errors on missing dependencies.
just now, i tried something else... i downloaded 240p flv videos and they played ok. but i think i remember playing the 360p files before installing the update. can somebody who haven't updated their Ogg support confirm this for me? Thanks!

i just installed KMPlayer. same thing, can't play the 360p flvs but it's ok with the 240p's...

kulve 2011-07-30 20:24

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
Ogg Support shouldn't affect FLV playback in any way and that's why I'm wondering why updating Ogg Support would break it.

Especially if lower resolution videos are working and 360p is not, suggests that the decoding is actually working.

vetsin 2011-07-30 20:26

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
maybe... but it's the only update that i installed this morning. have you installed the update? if you haven't, can you try playing a 360p flv?

vetsin 2011-07-30 22:14

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
I think I'll give this a rest... I rolled back to the previous version but still can't play the 360p flv.

were you able to play 360p flv's before the update?
i thought i can and did before the update but now i'm not so sure. hehe i'm starting to doubt my memory... :(

Changegames 2011-07-31 05:44

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
yes i can play flv before the update but now kmplayer smplayer and vlc cant play flv theyre all green the only player that works is sib but its hangs in the beginning you have to skip 1sec of the video to make it play fully... if you found a solution to this please share.

kulve 2011-07-31 06:32

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
VLC doesn't use GStreamer, so it shouldn't be affected by Ogg Support update.

vetsin 2011-08-01 13:31

Re: [Problem] flv playback after Ogg Support Update
Just found a confirmation that our N900 can't play 360p flv's. Here.
sorry for the confusion guys. :)

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