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sabresh 2011-08-05 05:04

Porting Harmattan to PandaBoard ?
How tough is it to port Harmattan to Pandaboard ? Just the basic functionality working, like H/w acceleration and Wifi. It would be great to see how quick it performs on OMAP4 Hardware with PowerVR SGX540.

This would be a great community project, one that I would gladly contribute to !

onion 2011-08-05 06:15

Re: Porting Harmattan to PandaBoard ?
Have you tried a meego install on it?

jalyst 2011-09-04 16:23

Re: Porting Harmattan to PandaBoard ?

You wouldn't be able to port harmattan because much of it's closed/proprietary.
There are chunks that are open & planned for use in MeeGoCE though.
MeeGo forum is more appropriate for this sort of discussion anyway.

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