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elyoni 2011-08-16 10:19

faster application manager
i dont know how, or what i done but my "faster application manager" program has stop working, sometimes it's tell me to write in the terminal dpkg --configure -a, but it not help. and sometimes it's stock on the preparation and not continue.
i try to search on the the forum but i didn't found.
i tried to reinstall.

plz help me and sorry for my English

Rob1n 2011-08-16 10:59

Re: faster application manager
Can you post the output from running "dpkg --configure -a" (as root) in X Terminal?

elyoni 2011-08-16 12:50

Re: faster application manager
i run that line and i got nothing.
i tried again the program.
but now i try to uninstall
i choose a software, click on the remove button
push play.

antil now i waited 20 min'
but i still see the page that say:
Operation in progress

Remove 1 package(s)
install 1 package(s)
and the ball is running left to right and back

the regular app manager is working but it's 2 slow

mirciox 2011-08-16 13:23

Re: faster application manager
Have you tried reinstalling FAPman?

elyoni 2011-08-16 19:16

Re: faster application manager
yap i did try but i get the same result

jd4200 2011-08-16 19:43

Re: faster application manager
You could try, as root:
apt-get -f install

it may be of little help as I have little knowledge of debian's apt; pacman (arch linux) <3

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